FWB Brothers from another mother

There are benefits to being a retired master mechanic besides the sore back and a stack of tools to walk around in the basement. Though right now the stack of tools is the only one I can think of. These two have been the latest reasons to dig through the tool stash. Rebuilding Feinwerkbau Airguns as become my favorite pass time, the quality of parts and engineering is a pleasure to behold. Top is a 1974 vintage FWB Model 65 I bought from a friend in the Netherlands. It needed to be freshened up with a new Feinwerkbau spring and buffers and seal from Jim Maccari. It cocks a little far back in the stroke from stacking of wear clearances but other than that is as tight as new and a same hole shooter. I can’t imagine how many thousands of shots have been through it over these many years. The second one is a Qishouqiang / Industry Brand / Tech Force SS2 FWB Model 65 clone I just bought from a member in Arizona. It had been rebuilt by Mac 1 a while back and the buffers are still fresh. It was completely inoperative thanks to the Chinese grease hardening though out the trigger and sledge systems. The grease had turned to gritty glue the likes of which I have never seen. Pins and levers that normally fall right out all had to be tapped or pried out, soaked in solvent, scraped and finally sanded to be fully cleaned. Four solid hours of work has netted a great shooting gun. For the record every part was an exact copy of the Feinwerkbau and other than stiffer cocking it would be tough to tell them apart. Now all that left is waiting for the FWB model 600 I just purchased from my friend in the Netherlands to arrive. It is in customs now and the rebuild seal kit will be here tomorrow.



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the Clones were very cheap at one point but people believe they are worth as much as a FWB 65 now which they are not
10 years ago you would see them from time to time now not at all
I have been placing ads here and there for a couple of years before I found this one. I missed two on eBay that sold for the asking price before I could get to them. If they are worth something now it’s because the supply does not meet the demand and everything is worth whatever someone will pay for it. I can say the clones are much rarer than the originals these days. I personally would buy everything broken if I could as is proven by the two examples above. It’s a great way to stretch a dollar. I was dying for a look inside one of the clones. I am a mix of impressed and appalled that the Chinese companies perform such blatant forgery. This one didn’t need any parts but I have read the FWB parts will fit right in. Makes sense that it would be easier to copy them directly than alter anything.
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if the FWB clone was made today they would be of very good quality
now in this posting on the Vintage you will see there were many clones being manufactured and like yours some were better than other as is with anything
so that would make not all clones are equal and you would need to know what was good and what wasn't and it is not in my wheel house
some good info here

Believe it or not it’s still on the industry brand website. Though no one has seen a new one in years. I have messaged them a couple of times about purchasing one. They of course do not answer. I have to wonder if a dealer was to order a few cases they would build another run. I just now messaged Mike Melick at Fying Dragon he will know what goes on with them.

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Finally mounted a picatinny to one of my FWB65. Used black epoxy, so this will be a permanent solution I think. The pistol has two brothers, one with a barrel mounted red point, and one without any interference from my side. (Only fastened the original barrel weight).
All 3 shoot very well, but the red point makes a difference for my old eyes.



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