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BSA R12 for the NA market?


Jan 18, 2020
Interested in this new series, but all I can find for sale are some limited options from UK vendors and all sub-12fp.

Anyone know if the R12 series will be made available for the NA market? They've been released for several months already.

I was thinking that the name (R12) might be hinting at it only being sub-12lb, but R12 does also seem like a natural progression in naming from the venerable R10 series...so, I dunno.
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This early video talks about an FAC version of the R12 to be released so I believe it is coming.
I've been watching as well but so far nothing but crickets..... I plan to put a feeler out to AoA this week and see what they can predict.
That said, I'm real close to just pulling the trigger on a R10 Thumbhole that are currently discounted there. From what I can see (so far in my research), beyond the lever vs bolt change and the move to a 12 (vs 10 ) round mag (hence the name change) , there isn't a whole lot of difference, Not sure those features are going to justify an extra $500+ for me. ( My guess being that these will trickle in at least what the full price used to be on the R10 SE HP.)
I'll post here if I find anything else out.

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Just heard back from AoA. They say that the R12 is currently European released only and hey have no indication of if/when they will see a version stateside. They predicted maybe 2024. That said, I'm wondering if you could order a FAC version directly from the UK.

Thanks for the info. I looked on some of the UK websites and none of them mentioned an FAC version. Even the BSA site only specs it at sub-12. They don't specifically state it is only sub-12, but the listed specs are limited to only that. I may need to try to reach out BSA directly. I really want one!
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Thanks for the info. I looked on some of the UK websites and none of them mentioned an FAC version. Even the BSA site only specs it at sub-12. They don't specifically state it is only sub-12, but the listed specs are limited to only that. I may need to try to reach out BSA directly. I really want one!
Keep us posted. I'm interested as well (but may go with the R10 if the R12 is unavailable.