Buck rail Nate chrony video

Buck rail is the bomb. This chrony seems priced right. Do you have to have a WiFi connection to use it ? If not I’m assuming you do need a cellular data connection on your phone to load the webpage though right ?
Where did you see a price, @Trucker3573?
Did I miss it on the video?
Looked on the website too
@NateChrony already sells chronographs on his site (address is in his signature), for around $100. I’m guessing this is his V2 in a different housing to mate with the moderator, so you don’t have to remove the mod to use the barrel-mounted chrony.

I could be wrong, but I read it as the chrony or your phone/tablet acts as a WiFi hotspot, to which the other device connects. The chrony generates the web page you interact with. So, no other WiFi or cell data network connection is needed. Note he said in the video that no information is sent anywhere else, unlike FX models.
Buck rail is the bomb. This chrony seems priced right. Do you have to have a WiFi connection to use it ? If not I’m assuming you do need a cellular data connection on your phone to load the webpage though right ?
No - the Chrony itself is a Wi-Fi hotspot & serves the web page from itself. There is not external internet or Wi-Fi connection required.

As an option - you can connect the NateChrony to an existing Wi-Fi network, that will allow your device (mobile/tablet) to remain connected to the internet & use the Chrony at the same time. It also allows you to access things like printers if you want to print results.

No internet required, no apps, no data privacy issues :)
Neat. but i think Danes would need a permit ( suppressor part ) and it would make no sense getting it just for the chrono part i feel.

But if they could sneak it by as a integrated unit i dont think there is anything stopping a Dane screwing a chronograph to his barrel, even if it also moderate sound.

OK There's 2 very different products....
1. NateChrony: available now, $100USD, lots of adapters, is not & can not be a moderator. (silly illegal in Australia - we dont want to deafen the spiders & snakes)
2. BuckRail ChronyThingy: whats in the video, it'll be the electronics & software from a NateChrony - but in a completely different housing. There is nothing physically in common with a NateChrony, its not an add on or upgrade etc.

The Chrony part is made by us & goes through the same process as a regular NateChrony - so it will still be calibrated from our master Chronys, and deliver the max 1fps deviation at 1,000fps.
I thought that @AirShootist may have done a review on it as well, but I can't seem to find it.
reviews... incredibly hard to get...
prolly sent out $5k of kit & mostly let downs & just dont return emails after agreeing to.
also a LOT of reviewers are controlled by the large manufacturers - "i review brandX, this is a competitor, so i wont review it".
rule of thumb - over 50-100k subs, theyre likely biased.
look at their vids - if you see the same brand a lot - likely very biased.

its a pretty dirty industry tbh
I thought that @AirShootist may have done a review on it as well, but I can't seem to find it.
I reviewed a different one, not the Nate Chrony but the Orcair one.
I wasn't offered to review a Nate Chrony but I guarantee if any manufacturer sends me something to review and I agreed to it - I do it. The only time I don't review things that are sent out is if they suck and I just don't want to be rude and make a bad review when someone was nice enough to send something over for me to try.
I reviewed a different one, not the Nate Chrony but the Orcair one.
I wasn't offered to review a Nate Chrony but I guarantee if any manufacturer sends me something to review and I agreed to it - I do it. The only time I don't review things that are sent out is if they suck and I just don't want to be rude and make a bad review when someone was nice enough to send something over for me to try.
I hope that He reaches out to you. I really enjoy your Video reviews.
@NateChrony already sells chronographs on his site (address is in his signature), for around $100. I’m guessing this is his V2 in a different housing to mate with the moderator, so you don’t have to remove the mod to use the barrel-mounted chrony.

I could be wrong, but I read it as the chrony or your phone/tablet acts as a WiFi hotspot, to which the other device connects. The chrony generates the web page you interact with. So, no other WiFi or cell data network connection is needed. Note he said in the video that no information is sent anywhere else, unlike FX models.
That is a great feature.
I'd sure hate the ID stealing squirrels to know how fast my pellets shoot so they can outrun them
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