I just wanted to come on here to give a shout out to Terry from buckrail. I am so shocked that this little $30 25 cal moderator made my gk1 mousefart quiet on full power!!! At first when i shot it in my house i didnt think the mod was doing too too much. I noticed i was wrong when the next shot i made without the mod left my ears ringing. Today was the first day i used my gk1 outside and i have to say i am so so so happy with this mod. This thing literally made the gk1 sound like a toy outside. Im sure DonnyFL's are great but i could never see myself spending hundreds on a moderator while something this cost effective and sufficient is on the market. Buck Rail seems to be one of the only companies looking out for the less fortunate who want to indulge in this hobby. Figured i would post this so future GK1 owners know that this is a great addition to the gun. Once again thank you Buck Rail!