Your db meter apps may be wonky but you can't tell me your phones ability to capture this whisper quiet moderator in action is as well!
Quantify it with a side by side comparison on video. Silly to not if it really is such a large gap in performance.
Everyone here also acts like my time and the next guys is "your" time
Over the last month had to replace a daily driver, replace my phone (after 3 years so still getting my new one where my old one was), along with all of life's other things. This isn't a pity party message but what it is is telling everyone to pound sand lmao
I don't like being told what to do especially with MY TIME. Maybe the shooting leading up to this review was very quick? As said in here , I shoot A LOT , albeit a lot less this past week and a half or so.
I was literally just texting some airgun buddies about how I downloaded multiple different meters as well as got a tripod for my phone so that I can do my best.
So with all do respect, if youre not donating a db meter or time
kick rocks and also, make sure you throw all those others moderators in the trash
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