Burris Signature Rings the only way to go.....

Having installed and tested many of these, they work better and hold properly under heavy recoil when the pluses and minuses are matched correctly. I’m sure you can get away with other techniques- I’ve mixed them before to get zero cant as well- but following the design intent works better. Also important to keep in mind that basic trigonometry is at play, and the included instructions have a table showing the ring spacing/cant relationship. While I do like these rings, if you buy enough sets you will encounter ones machined very poorly with natural misalignment. I currently have one set that requires ~12MOA of windage to correct the ring, and another that is pushing ~20! I have tested and verified that the error is in the ring itself. That eats up a lot of the “adjustment”. In my use, I can correct and still get the vertical I need, otherwise I’d warranty them. Still just sloppy QC on Burris’s end.
Thank you all for this post. I am currently working on getting a 70 year old pb ( Martini International )on target . This sure helped. Thanks again.
To make it simple all you want to do is to point the scope at the bullet hole, where ever it landed.
There's many combinations you can do with these eccentric offset inserts. They're not expensive, I bought like two of every one they make.