Bushnell Banner

As a beginner, I am not willing to put down big bank on a scope yet. I don't think I know what I am missing in a high dollar optic, to be honest with you. Does anyone have any experience with the Banner line of Bushnells on a PCP, specifically the 4-12X40? They're made in Korea, which might be better than being made in China? 
You want a scope that is parallax free at ten yards so probly adjustable. Korea used to make better scopes than China. I think those lines are a bit blurred these days as China does pretty good werq on many scopes. Probly the best $100 scope you can get is the https://www.airgundepot.com/hawke-optics-vantage-2-7x32-ao-rifle-scope.html 

Check the links out for more scope info all types all prices.


If you're lucky enough to live near a good gun shop; go visit and take the scope sales "tour".

Get an education and feel for the different powers, weights, and reticles

Be willing to spend a little more to get a good scope. I didn't say " good enough"!

Save if you have to, its cheaper than a drawer full of used scopes..

Might even be a good used scope on this forum. Good luck and welcome to the pit!

Did you mention what you're putting this scope on?
If you're lucky enough to live near a good gun shop; go visit and take the scope sales "tour".

Get an education and feel for the different powers, weights, and reticles

Be willing to spend a little more to get a good scope. I didn't say " good enough"!

Save if you have to, its cheaper than a drawer full of used scopes..

Might even be a good used scope on this forum. Good luck and welcome to the pit!

Did you mention what you're putting this scope on?

Well said. But if you're adamant on the price check out both Ebay and River of Guns. River of Gun is a search engine set up to access many popular classifieds so you can do a scope search there and see what comes up. I almost always research and buy used.

Two really good budget items are: The older Bushnell Trophy that was made in Japan. You can get them from $125-$150. Less if you're patient.

I picked up a Bushnell 3200 5-15x40 Mildot for $175 recently. It's on my RAW HM1000 that I use for UKHFT. Fine glass for the money.
Keyman62421, the scope will one day go on a .22 Diana Skyhawk that I am saving for. I am also attracted to the UTG Bugbuster since it has good reviews and is small and will be mounted onto a small gun, but I don't think it is made in a 4-12 power.

Libertyman 777, I have had a Bushnell (possibly a Trophy -- don't know) on my RWS model 54 Air King springer for 25+years. The scope has been tough and good in every way, and that's why I am thinking of the Banner. I understand Bushnell's quality may have changed over the last 25+ years, and that's why I am seeking input.
I purchased a Discovery VT-2 3-12 after noticing so much hype about them. This $120 scope is very functional and rugged appearing, and for someone that has perfect vision it "may" be the answer to their dream scope for the cost.

What I found,,, wearing my corrective lenses or without,, was this, the Discovery is useable, but not as clear and sharp (at same distances) as my $180 Nikon EFR or a $180 Hawke Vantage,( 'cause it's a $120 scope). Kind of comes down to "you get what you pay for" with optics, and though I could afford much higher quality optics... Nikon and Hawke works for me. I can't say what will work best for anyone other than myself,, but I've also found that different colored lens "coatings" give off different view clarity for my eyesight.
👍 on the Bushnell Legend,I also have one plus Discovery scopes,I would take the Legend because it is a nice "simple spring rated scope....

..The difference between a under $100 scope and say $150 can be quite large.

Beginners should KISS ..you do not need all "fancy BS stuff on a scope....Think about it,what does it really do to help a beginner,just adds weight and length and more BS....I think it is better to buy a better quality used scope....butt for that you need to research...

Most scope manufactures have different price points...one reason is beginners usually think about scopes as a after thought so there is a price point for them...and after they get some experience they ought for better optics and go up the ladder and spend more...

I like my scopes to have AO ....That is important for me because I shoot at many different distances and a lot of times under 25yds.....

Eye relief is important..... sometimes the length of the scope can interfere with the loading of pellets and the side focus of my Discovery gets in the way of me loading the magazine in my PCP...Thus need higher mounts....I just put a different scope on rifle and put the Discovery on another air rifle.....

I have a bushnell banner on a gamo urban I have. It came as the “bundled” scope on my savage .308 powder burner. I put a nicer scope on that, and kept the banner for a cheaper purchase. It’s a 3-9x40, but it’s pretty clear glass for what it is, and the reticle isn’t too big. Works great for the cheaper urban that isn’t shooting past 30yds, but I adjusted the parallax (by manually turning the front objective) to work at 25yds, so there’s less error for my cheek weld issues. It’s still clear down to 10yds, and it works for what I need.