Busy season for my cricket 2 .25.

Haven’t been able to take the time to post for a while. Between work, wife, and other responsibilities, my hunting time has been cut way down this year. I have been getting out here and there on the weekends and currently sitting in a tree waiting on a nice buck to walk by. I always carry my cricket along with whatever equipment is in season for deer. Dual wielding if you will. My cricket is currently setup shooting JSB hybrids at 985fps. The sound they make when they smack a squirrel head is addictive. Here’s some pictures from the past few weekends. Limit here is six. Most days I could easily come home with double that many if there wasn’t a limit. Been a good year so far for squirrels
Thanks. I have flipped a couple and chipmunks always get airborne when hit. Most shots are complete pass through but I have recovered a few slugs. I don’t like going to pick one up and it still be alive and suffering so I live by the can’t be too dead way of thinking. Charlie Frear did his power tune when I bought it and I love it. Here is what I’ve gotten while sitting in my tree stand today. Didn’t remember I had removed the cheek piece on my cricket to sand down and refinish until I got it out of the case today. Oops haha. No biggie but it does look funny. It’s not finished but I’m loving the new look of the wsa stock over the factory finish