Buyer's remorse

I guess the buyers remorse is what got me into airguns. Remington 700 ADL from about 1970. 30-06 and kicks like a mule. Hate that gun, but still have it. Son put more rounds through it than I ever did. That gun convinced me that airguns were the way to go. Economics and ergonomics both so much better with airguns.

As for airguns, the closest to remorse (and I like the gun, just wish I'd bought better) is the Crosman pistol. Good pistol, but front heavy. Really didn't understand how important weight distribution is for a 10 meter gun. Incredibly accurate and great trigger, just a bit front heavy
Well, I've bought two, I just don't regret the second one.

Haha, I don't regret any of mine. It was a learning experience and I'm still on my third one.

And wile I'm on here I forgot to mention buyers remorse for a scope, although it was a learning experience as well. I was I was impressed with my Hawke Sidewinder 8-32x56 until I bought my first Sightron! I would be hard pressed to buy another Hawke now ;-)

I’ll prepare to catch some grief for this one...

My most disappointing purchase to date was the .22 FX Crown I bought new. I sold a Charlie Frear power tuned Cricket .25 and a tuned .22 Mutant to fund the Crown. Long story short, the Crown was absolutely stunning to look at with the green laminate stock and very nice finish. However, mine had horrible regulator creep, the POI shifted every time I took it out of the safe and I thought the extendable shroud was gimmicky. I use my airguns for 50% target and 50% small game hunting. I’m not rough on my equipment and maintain it perfectly...that said, I had absolutely no confidence in the Crown for hunting purposes based on the reg creep, and poi change.

In the end, I sold two awesome Tac driving rifles to get one delicate, sensitive rifle that I ended up selling a couple months after I bought it. 
My first 0.22 FX crown - how that thing made it past QC I'll never understand. Suffice to say I could have thrown the pellets at the target and got tighter groups. Replacement rifle is great.

Before that was a Weihrauch HW100 0.22 back when their 0.22 barrels were known (by all but me apparently) to have major issues with too tight a choke and terrible accuracy. I was too green back then to consider a barrel swap etc and sold it off at a giveaway price. Since then I've had another one in 0.20 and it remains the equal of any rifle I've ever owned in all but shot count.

Lastly my P15 bullpup - initially a complete piece of crap until I replaced the barrel, installed a Huma, modified the shroud, polished up the mags and had the trigger sorted. One of the only initial 'remorse' guns I've had that survived, as now it shoots amazingly well and my dad is in love with it 😋

Hmmm...that’s easy. The Orion Steady-Pix Deluxe scope cam mount. Prolly th most over rated POS mount ever. Rubber pads on the scope clap came off after a single afternoon of shooting in 75° weather. Screws stripped and wallowed out. Guide slot was to wide to keep it from shifting on its Y axis. But, it worked for for a moment there. 

It’s funny, Ted Bier and I had a chat about this mount and a few others at UA’s Grand Opening a few months back. Haha we both agree, it’s a great starting place to know there are better things out there. Thank you Val and Thayne for the Side-Shot.

Nice thread!

Once thing I have learned in time is to NEVER buy a first gen product, usually in paper looks pretty good but comes with many problems that only are found after practical use (not in QA). Try to avoid the ich that a new and nice product bring...and wait (I know is hard).

Regrets, just a few regarding pellets only (so cheap) 
Magnun Rabbits H&N slugs: damn those group bad on all my pcp

Benjamin 0.25, too much difference in weight and size, meaning bad groups too

I will add more soon as long as my mind remember...I am an impulsive buyer so I will have more that I do not recall right now :)
Macros, stunningly same experience with Fx .22 crown and .22 Hw-100!, couldn’t sell them quickly enough... I did learn from both experiences, just wish I owned the Hw-100 NOW! the Fx? I had very high expectations!, to much HIPE!!! But to be fair had issues with Retailer/manufacturer/US repair center FX had there chance... never again!