Buying a new Wildcat

Just on a whim I shot my WC Mk3 (tube) the other day, and was reminded once again what a fine gun the Wildcat is.

I've never purchased from Cape Fear, but have several purchases from UA. Most all were good (and the ones which weren't - used guns - they took care of).

I've never thought that UA was fast in processing orders in the past, and it is my personal feeling that they seem a bit more overwhelmed having taken on their new role with FX airguns after the demise of the FX-USA entity. I think that they will still take care of your needs, generally, but you may just have to wait a bit longer than before.

(Of course their speed and efficiency in processing orders also takes a hit shortly leading up to and during RMAC, but that is already over for this year).
BRK Ranger and Pathfinder are light and easy to carry. Easy Minute of Squirrel out to 40 yards or so. Reasonably quiet with moderator. Can tune to close to 20 ftlbs in .22 with reasonable shot count. Plenty of shots for limiting on tree rates. I have BRKs and FX guns. Quality is equal in my opinion. Folding stocks on BRK makes it nice to pack into areas where people might not like to see long guns.
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Ok Guys, I just spoke to Zach at Utah Air guns, Had a great chat and got all the details ironed out. Its great to talk to a human being these days. ordered a FX Wildcat compacBT in .22calib. Will have to wait buts its ok, squirrel season is bout 6wks away.

My thanks to those who offered suggestions and experiences.

I guess that wraps this thread up, Thanks again,

If you could live with a BT VP (600 mm .25) contact bullet central. I know a short time ago there was a coupon code that put that gun at like 1168 and they don’t charge sales tax. I don’t know if they still have the gun or if the deal would still be available though. Worth a shot as it’s a good buy.

Sorry didn’t see your last post before posting my response.
I love my FX Wildcat Sniper but it is to long and heavy for the way I hunt squirrels, looking for a compac bt. in .22
Made inquires to Utah and Cape fear so far, any comments on buying from these businesses or maybe others I don't know about before I jimp in would be appreciated.
5.5 pound squirrel gun


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