FYI and FWIW, Match Directors are, by and large, super-humans possessing of otherworldly powers of logic, reason, and, most importantly, FAIRNESS. Those super-human powers remain honed to a razors-edge through constant exercise, under the strictest of scrutiny(s)... COMPETITIVE SHOOTERS! ;-)
Case in point- What to do with with a (now) very dilute division of three classes, often spread over few enough shooters (in total) at any given match as can be counted on one hand? Truth be told, that example may be one of the least challenging situations MDs face.
I happen to know the Cajuns MD, and he's definitely an otherworldly character! Seriously though, although I don't know the 2022 Cajuns MD real well, well enough to be confident in his abilities and character. Good show, Carey!
And although I also don't know aforementioned springer shooter real well, having been squadded with him at a past Cajuns, I know his shooting skills well enough to say if the MD had known him as well he would have NO reservations in throwing him into the PCP lion's den! That the guy was one of only 5 WFTF shooters at Cajuns to break the century mark (including his score ;-), shooting what amounts to a glorified sling-shot, speaks volumes about Ken's shooting skills!
And that old outlaw going by the alias "Podna" is another shootin' SoB. Y'all need to keep an eye on all the outlaws mentioned in this post.
Don't ask how I know.