Caldwell Ballistic Chronograph PARTS???

I unpacked my Caldwell Ballistic Chronograph today after a move and found the display cracked; it still works, sort of. I got inside and easily removed the LCD. Any ideas on where I can get a replacement part? It is a Sunman SMS0408 monochrome 4 digits segment lcd. I found it on the Sunman website (Chinese) but how/where to buy one is mystery to me??? I can find no info at Caldwell, etc. Thanks 

well you made me look and you are right but you might what to try this

so they say 5 is the minimum well you could work with that at the price and tell them they are for testing, so it could cost you 30 bucks but that is the price you pay when things get broken

just a note to all, I have someone at my house that likes to buy jewelry from China on Ebay and all of it is come through the Philippines, so they are shipping to the Philippines from China to get that countries post mark and I believe we are seeing are ability to buy parts needed form China in the future, I'm guessing here but in looking for this LCD they were saying we have no way to ship to the USA any more and that is 2 things I have seen happen

in any case you might have to con someone to fix that chrono

Stoti is spot on. I always try with OEM vendor first. Surprising and pleasant results for the vast majority of those calls. If you’re insistent on trying to find the part try They sell a ton of electronics components. May not be a name match but often times they’re based on the same physical platform and branded differently. Good luck regardless,

Caldwell does not stock the lcd as a replacement part so I eventually ordered 5 lcd units (minimum order) from the manufacturer in China thru Alibaba. Parts were $15US, shipping $35US. 10 minutes after the package arrived my chrony was working 100% like new, including desoldering the wiring from the old cracked lcd and resoldering to the new lcd. So I am now in the Caldwell Chrony LCD replacement business - send me your old nfg lcd (OR just the wiring & plug) and I'll send back a new lcd with your wiring for $40, including shipping in CONUS. Tell your friends!!! Thanks again marflow.


Caldwell does not stock the lcd as a replacement part so I eventually ordered 5 lcd units (minimum order) from the manufacturer in China thru Alibaba. Parts were $15US, shipping $35US. 10 minutes after the package arrived my chrony was working 100% like new, including desoldering the wiring from the old cracked lcd and resoldering to the new lcd. So I am now in the Caldwell Chrony LCD replacement business - send me your old nfg lcd (OR just the wiring & plug) and I'll send back a new lcd with your wiring for $40, including shipping in CONUS. Tell your friends!!! Thanks again marflow.


Do you want to sell me one of those displays? Otherwise I guess I'll be buying 5.

Hi Jim

I just sent you a message through Air Gun Nation about the LCD screen and was wondering, do you have any left. I'll gladly pay the $40 (plus shipping).

I'm also a New York resident (Nyack N.Y.)

If you have none left, such is life.

Best Regards,

fellow airgunner,

Jef Bretschneider

[email protected]
