Caliber Collection?

I figure if I need a 900 fps 357 or larger pellet gun to kill whatever is requiring said size ammo, then I'm somewhere I could be using a powder gun and probably should be. I was going to go up into the big bores, but I feel 22 and 25 is all I need in an airgun. I've been using a 22 pcp for most of my small game hunting for almost a decade now. The 25 will do the bigger stuff up to yotes if needed but even those I feel need a faster projectile to reach them in time, they tend not to get close enough for a good ethical shot with a slower moving projectile.

I'm currently finishing out my 177 pellets and then selling the guns. Tired of fiddling with tiny pellets and then only getting 15-20 fpe anyways unless you wanna pay a premium for the heavier stuff. Might as well shoot 25 then.
Agree .. yotes seem to keep a distance for sure.
Yeah I get that. To me a pig is a pest.. well wild pigs... And I think 30 would be the minimum... Really 357 to be honest. But I'm not talking about piglets and such. Thinking more along the lines of say you want to hunt more seasons. There's black powder, archery, firearm... What if there was an air gun season? Then what calibers for United States animals? A 30+ in real guns for moose persay. But in air no less than 50 would be my guess. What about bear season? Airgun? What caliber?

Just pondering.
I think for a bear, maybe the Zeus 72 cal, anything under that I think I'm just going to leave the bear alone lol.
I have a 22 and a 25 and love them both. However if I had to narrow it down for my ultimate choice it would probably be .25/.35/.45. 25 for all small game. The 35 could be a coyote/fox/groundhog gun. .45 would be my deer gun. I just haven’t invested in a big bore and not sure I will. That area I think is just far better served with powder burners and I don’t hunt anywhere where I have to worry about using a PB. Big bore airguns just suck up a lot of air so I feel I’d be filling just as much as shooting therefore they would rarely get used. They are just too expensive to let sit around.
I have a 22 and a 25 and love them both. However if I had to narrow it down for my ultimate choice it would probably be .25/.35/.45. 25 for all small game. The 35 could be a coyote/fox/groundhog gun. .45 would be my deer gun. I just haven’t invested in a big bore and not sure I will. That area I think is just far better served with powder burners and I don’t hunt anywhere where I have to worry about using a PB. Big bore airguns just suck up a lot of air so I feel I’d be filling just as much as shooting therefore they would rarely get used. They are just too expensive to let sit around.
Valid points...
I only have springers. All 177 cal except one Special Edition 20 cal & two 22 cal. I love shooting paper and reactive targets with them. The only airgun I now consider for hunting on foot is my 177 Hw50 for squirrels and rabbits. The rest are too heavy or too low powered to be practical.

Now that I own property where I can freely use powder burners. I doubt any of my airguns will ever see the woods again. Anything worth killing is worth using the most effective tool. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't use my airguns to pest targets of opportunities when they're practical and already in hand.
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When it comes to deer/pig I consider deer (whitetail) softer than pig. Meaning I would prefer a harder hitter for a pig than a deer. So I figure my 357 bulldog would be fine for a deer within sensible range and FPS and to the mid to low end of pig.

I have plenty of PBs for all ranges and uses, but was wondering more if there was an AIR GUN only season what you guys would think best calibers.

For instance, what about turkey? Some folks use shotty and go for head, some try body shots (bad idea IMO) some use 22 and head shot, some use arrow and head shot. From some of the groupings you guys post up, I would say popping a gobbler in the brain pan with a small quiet caliber would be easily done.

If it's a hit it's dead... If it's a miss it's not as spooked as with a PB.

Anyone have experience?
My very first airgun was a Benjamin bulldog 357...longshot81

Really ??

My first gettin back into airguns in 07 was a B3.

Funny how this hobby has changed.
Yeah. The funny thing is I really didn't know anything about air guns and I wasn't planning on getting into air guns. I just saw The Benjamin bulldog 357 and thought it was really cool looking so I got it. That was over a year ago and now I own five and I'm hunting with them and I've spent a lot of money 🤣
Yeah. The funny thing is I really didn't know anything about air guns and I wasn't planning on getting into air guns. I just saw The Benjamin bulldog 357 and thought it was really cool looking so I got it. That was over a year ago and now I own five and I'm hunting with them and I've spent a lot of money 🤣
Couple years ago I got a breakbarrel, then another, then a Benjamin Marauder PCP 22.(wowza!! quarter size 50 yard groups!!) The neighborhood bushy tailed tree rats are now pretty much wiped out. Been enjoying the last one I shot in a mushroom and onion stew. Then I went and got a 357 Bulldog, then a regulator kit with large tank and modulator. Yeah, ditto on the money thing.
Couple years ago I got a breakbarrel, then another, then a Benjamin Marauder PCP 22.(wowza!! quarter size 50 yard groups!!) The neighborhood bushy tailed tree rats are now pretty much wiped out. Been enjoying the last one I shot in a mushroom and onion stew. Then I went and got a 357 Bulldog, then a regulator kit with large tank and modulator. Yeah, ditto on the money thing.
It's an expensive hobby but fun.
I think for a bear, maybe the Zeus 72 cal, anything under that I think I'm just going to leave the bear alone lol.
Rossi off of American Airgunner and Chapman went bear hunting with an original .50 Hammer (when it was being hyped up) in one of the episodes. Pretty much for two years, that was all Rossi would show. Now that they finally hit the market, you rarely hear about them.

He got his bear, btw.