Agree .. yotes seem to keep a distance for sure.I figure if I need a 900 fps 357 or larger pellet gun to kill whatever is requiring said size ammo, then I'm somewhere I could be using a powder gun and probably should be. I was going to go up into the big bores, but I feel 22 and 25 is all I need in an airgun. I've been using a 22 pcp for most of my small game hunting for almost a decade now. The 25 will do the bigger stuff up to yotes if needed but even those I feel need a faster projectile to reach them in time, they tend not to get close enough for a good ethical shot with a slower moving projectile.
I'm currently finishing out my 177 pellets and then selling the guns. Tired of fiddling with tiny pellets and then only getting 15-20 fpe anyways unless you wanna pay a premium for the heavier stuff. Might as well shoot 25 then.
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