California rabbit seaon is next week, any pointers on where to go by sacramento?

Tried again and got 2 cotton tails this time. Holy cow the 23 grain slugs packs a wallop even at only 840FPS. Literally picked up the smaller one off the ground 2-3 inches and completely destroyed the spine and the bones in its path. Looks like one of those fancy vermin center fire round hit it. WOW is an understatement! I’m completely sold on hunting with slugs, no comparison at all!


Thats a really nice looking rabbit you got there. I just recently got my hunting lic. and was looking at doing some rabbit hunting but it seems that Ive come in too late in the season. I live just outside of Auburn and have been looking for spots also. One I have been told is good is Spencerville wildlife area, but I havent been out there yet. Ive been scouting spots by my house for spring turkey and will be planning on getting some of those hopefully.

I wouldnt mind meeting up and hunting sometime if possible. 

I live a few minutes from you. Jacks can be found any where in the foothills. Cotton tails are a bit harder to find as their numbers are not like they used to be as in my days. However, find fields, abandoned or less used roads/trails that have a lot of blackberry vines. Hunt early morning when the sun hits these spots and your odds will increase in finding cotton tails.

Good luck

I live a few minutes from you. Jacks can be found any where in the foothills. Cotton tails are a bit harder to find as their numbers are not like they used to be as in my days. However, find fields, abandoned or less used roads/trails that have a lot of blackberry vines. Hunt early morning when the sun hits these spots and your odds will increase in finding cotton tails.

Good luck

Good to know. Thank you. I guess the season isnt over yet so I should get out and give it the ole college try.