Calling Starlings

Good feed back.. I've never tried using a dead one for decoy. Not a bad idea especially with a crow over it. I'll have to give that a try. I have some Starling decoys and I have a Starling distress call on my FoxPro. It also has Starling screams recorded on it. What would be perfect is the sound of a bunch in a roost. The distress definitely gets their attention but they are on high alert and very edgy...
Not for a dedicated caller, but there are bird call apps for free in the google app store. I loaded them up on my old phone and use them with a bluetooth speaker set out in the yard. I think I have about 5 or 6 different arrangements from solo starlings to full group roosting. Has Hosps on there, also. Just enough of a curiosity to bring them close to the yard, but not so enticing to bring them in anymore. They caught on quick.
Cornell Ornithology has a nice library of calls, gets them interested but they are wary. Bluetooth from my phone to speaker, shooting from hyde is a must. Suckers are smart and give up after you get a couple, and always shoot the females first, paired male comes back and looks for her. I leave her lay and wait for him to come back and then get him. DAMHIK....
I have used YouTube starling in distress call thru a Bluetooth speaker set out by a tree they land in and has wrkd well! Few yrs back I shot 1 and it was wedged in a branch up high hanging dead on a leafless tree, just about every single starling that flew by would land and check out ther buddy hanging ther allowing me extra opportunities to take them out!