FX Can you name everything in this picture?

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Plus, the photo name sez "M3rain".

Looks like there is some sort of carbon fiber looking wrap on it. Special shroud with incorporated moderator, ST adjustable butt stock and top rail, After market magazine, looks like maybe an Orion (?). Arca rail. Edgun "Stalker" scope or red dot (?). Nice grip, never seen one like that. 300cc bottle (?). Elongated cheek piece.
Window, window frame, window locks, windowsill. Raining, rain drops on the window, trees, sky, cannot tell what is on the ground, it's whited-out.

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"Edgun "Stalker" scope or red dot (?)"
"No one said anything about what appears to be a Dedal Stalker 6x mounted"
I did already, it sez on the scope Edgun Stalker....

@Revoman You certainly did. I can see your post bow, but I didn’t see that on the scope and still don’t. I’ll probably have to look on a larger screen.

Edit: Oh yea. I see it now. It’s very faint.
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You cant see the floors, how do you know they are wet?
The window might look dirty and smudged but if you put on your reading glasses you can see it is raining lol.

I see many things, Grasshopper. It is raining out, so naturally the floors are wet.

It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss out on all the wet floors.
I see many things, Grasshopper. It is raining out, so naturally the floors are wet.

It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss out on all the wet floors.
My cow followed the finger and jumped over the moon
On her return she landed on wet floors, slipped, and broke the cat’s fiddle
The precocious little mutt udderly laughed its head off
The spoon & dish were mysteriously absent
My cow followed the finger and jumped over the moon
On her return she landed on wet floors, slipped, and broke the cat’s fiddle
The precocious little mutt udderly laughed its head off
The spoon & dish were mysteriously absent
What ever you put in your coffee this morning, you might want to scale back a bit there bud. lol :LOL:(y)