Canadian Laws Governing Air Guns

one thing your all fergeting is you can take a pelet rifle that shoots at 1000 fps and just used heavier pelets and make it shoot below 500 fps ??? , specialy in .22 cal , i can use 14 grains or i can use 36 grains right ??
No !!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter what you do or how you think about it .... if the police takes your rifle or pistol to a testing ground or testing lab - they will test it most likely with lightest projectile. And your future story goes from there.
Get yourself a PAL or both RPAL, as a first step,
Handle that air powered toy as a firearm, that is a step one and a half.
What is a firearm? Take a course they will teach you there. If you didn't learn that in a classroom you will most likely never get a license to own.
one thing your all fergeting is you can take a pelet rifle that shoots at 1000 fps and just used heavier pelets and make it shoot below 500 fps ??? , specialy in .22 cal , i can use 14 grains or i can use 36 grains right ??

For the most part, the way the law is interpreted in the courts does not allow for any of this weazel-ing around the letter of the law.

Similarly, if you modify a firearm that's legal into one that breaks the law, you are in violation. Or if you modify an illegal to own firearm into one that complies with the letter of the law, the courts will only care that it was manufactured to illegal specs.

Our laws are highly constraining and counter-intuitive. Best to just be aware of them and live with the limitations they provide.

A side story. I had been modifying a shot gun to make it more packable recently. Was looking into getting a folding sock for it and my local gun shop informed me a folding stock would violate a length provision for firearms, making it a prohibited weapon. . . Basically, if you always assume useful things are illegal you'll rarely go wrong in Canada. It would be handy if there was a "stripped down" version of our firearms laws that clearly stated what exactly is legal, and what is illegal but I don't think there's any way to do it. The law is just too convoluted.
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DO NOT talk to the RMCP about this. Cops are not a valid legal authority

While it's true you can't count on their word in terms of the legality of something, the RCMP are usually the first point of contact when it comes to interpreting firearms law. Their "Canadian Firearms Program" is designed as a point of contact to help get expert advice to Canadians about what our laws actually are -- given that reading the acts is a little treacherous.

Generally speaking if the RCMP is okay with something, you're usually going to be fine, unless it's a municipal law issue.

If the RCMP is not okay with something, then yes it could still be legal but that doesn't mean you're going to be in a comfortable situation. i.e. the RCMP can still make your life miserable if they charge you for their incorrect interpretation of a law. You could be in for both an expensive and inconvenient time.

RCMP Firearms Program:
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what if i bought a air rifle from a shop online advertised at under 500fps but it seems to be allot more powerful then 500 fps ? could the shop made a mistake ? i have nothing to test it with ? the only thing i can compare it to is a .17 cal under 500 fps.. the pelet in .22cal being atleast twice as heavy gives more power due to momentume right ? should it say on it if it's under 500 fps my other rifle says on it that it's canadian edition under 500 fps ?? this new one don't say nothing .. it's a hatsan 125 pro mod by the way .. anyways i'm not using it for now i don't trust it until i can get a chronograph .. can i just decomition it for now untill i get a chrono ?? like take the spring out so it don't work ? oh and the spring presure is like 75lbs on this sucker lolol.. and then wen i get a chrono i can modify it myself to shoot under 500 right ? if it's more like i said im not sure but i don't trust it lolol
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one thing your all fergeting is you can take a pelet rifle that shoots at 1000 fps and just used heavier pelets and make it shoot below 500 fps ??? , specialy in .22 cal , i can use 14 grains or i can use 36 grains right ??
Hmmm wonder just how heavy a pellet would have to be to bring a 1200 FPS (7 grain pellet ) down to 495 FPS ? And how would it shoot !
Just thought This would be covered by the could be modified part of the law .
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what if i bought a air rifle from a shop online advertised at under 500fps but it seems to be allot more powerful then 500 fps ? could the shop made a mistake ? i have nothing to test it with ? the only thing i can compare it to is a .17 cal under 500 fps.. the pelet in .22cal being atleast twice as heavy gives more power due to momentume right ? should it say on it if it's under 500 fps my other rifle says on it that it's canadian edition under 500 fps ?? this new one don't say nothing .. it's a hatsan 125 pro mod by the way .. anyways i'm not using it for now i don't trust it until i can get a chronograph .. can i just decomition it for now untill i get a chrono ?? like take the spring out so it don't work ? oh and the spring presure is like 75lbs on this sucker lolol.. and then wen i get a chrono i can modify it myself to shoot under 500 right ? if it's more like i said im not sure but i don't trust it lolol
What kind of pellets are you using?

There are ultra-light plastic pellets that'll go crazy fast in a sub-500fps airgun. Usually the fps rating is set with one of the lighter all-lead pellets, but not the ultra-light pellets made out of exotic materials.
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what if i bought a air rifle from a shop online advertised at under 500fps but it seems to be allot more powerful then 500 fps ?...
I assume we still talking about Canadian side of the border...
A "shop" just any "shop" can import airguns or guns only if it is in the FRT table... It is a looooong document listing all approved and not approved and banned firearms from beginning of the time (probably about 50's or 60's).
It is a very slim chance to get a scenario as you pointed out about power curve.
Btw, how old are you?
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I assume we still talking about Canadian side of the border...
A "shop" just any "shop" can import airguns or guns only if it is in the FRT table... It is a looooong document listing all approved and not approved and banned firearms from beginning of the time (probably about 50's or 60's).
It is a very slim chance to get a scenario as you pointed out about power curve.
Btw, how old are you?
old enough lolol yes canada , and i don't trust the police lolol they tried to entrap me before ..they can pull string and snare you in a trap lolol should it be engraved on it that its under 500fps? my bill of purchase says its under 500fps is that good enough ? then they could say i modified it right ,, but i didn't lol how can i prove that ,, they know im handy with my hands ... anyways im getting a crossman 1322 so ill be able to compare it to that
old enough lolol yes canada , and i don't trust the police lolol they tried to entrap me before ..they can pull string and snare you in a trap lolol should it be engraved on it that its under 500fps? my bill of purchase says its under 500fps is that good enough ? then they could say i modified it right ,, but i didn't lol how can i prove that ,, they know im handy with my hands ... anyways im getting a crossman 1322 so ill be able to compare it to that , what i think happened with this rifle is on the box is written that the rifle is dangerous from 500 yards or 457 metters or something around that and they miss took that for under 500fps get it so i ended up with what is considered a real firearm in canada without having a pal lolol not me fault ,, ,,lol,, that's what i think happened .. and again i have nothing to test it with ..