Cans just for targets?

Time to list the house for sale! Ha ha.
Silly bird.
Since you don't seem to be opposed to having cans lined on the ledge, what about hanging something that moves and shimmers? I have seen where people will hang old CDs in the trees as bird deterrent. Maybe a trip to he dollar store for some party decorations or similar is in order. It would at least look better than empty cans and it might just work? Or cover the opening with bird netting. That would be the least visible and actually provide a barrier so the bird can't physically land.
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Time to list the house for sale! Ha ha.
Silly bird.
Since you don't seem to be opposed to having cans lined on the ledge, what about hanging something that moves and shimmers? I have seen where people will hang old CDs in the trees as bird deterrent. Maybe a trip to he dollar store for some party decorations or similar is in order. It would at least look better than empty cans and it might just work? Or cover the opening with bird netting. That would be the least visible and actually provide a barrier so the bird can't physically land.
Spent 4 yrs. on outside with excavators and machinery. Reshaped most the property. This year I’m coasting with no necessitating jobs. Few more years here. If I move it will be close to the NY border.
Thanks. You’re right I feel like Sanford. It only started with the glue gun in the corner, thinking it’ll last maybe a day or so. Next year if it starts I’ll put fishing line up or something similar. Movement would be distracting inside. Crow
Have you tried to hang some streamers of some kind by the door? Something that moves around in the wind? My parents had a mountain property and one year got invaded by cliff swallows. They tried to build their nests on the side of their house. We’d knock them down as fast as they built them not giving them any chance to lay their eggs but they keep at it. We made a bunch of streamers out of paper and strips of cloth and hung them up from the eaves. It worked way better than fighting them and knocking their nests down. The swallows would veer away when they came in to land on the side of the house. They didn’t like the movement of the streamers and it was a great deterrent and moved on pretty quickly after we hung the up.

Here’s a couple of ideas. Doesn’t have to be fancy. We made our own out of stuff we had on hand. Heard CDs hung by fishing line worked good too.


This morning I’m having my Java, still waking up, l hear a noise. Thinking it’s the elevator hydraulics I go on enjoy my coffee. Twenty minutes later my eye catches movement where it shouldn’t. That bird started again by moving the cans. View attachment 352008I open the door, they fly on my driveway. More mess.View attachment 352009I won’t shoot them but I wish they would close that window to lay eggs. This is my front door.View attachment 352010As I’m writing this he’s still trying.View attachment 352011Reminds me of my sister. Crow
Whoa. The robin moved the cans!?! Serious warfare there.

What if you glued all the cans on a slat of wood and put that on the ledge? If Robin Hood manages to move the can, the whole thing comes crashing down, including the start of any new nest!

It will also serve as your motion detector. Hey, set up a game camera on video mode to see RH’s reaction.

He’s Robin Hood cuz he’s robbin’ YOUR hood.
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I’m starting to fit this all together. I’ve been sweeping the grass and nest material for the last week. I shoot daily 2-3 hrs. Last week I go to set up in morning and there’s bird crap on my leather mountView attachment 351878Not once but twice. That’s not enough. She crapped where I lean. View attachment 351879Bad manners. I shake it off as bad luck. Wash it and dry off for a day. Clean the table.
This bird in its past life was a witch! Next morning. This is getting personal, View attachment 351881The rest in front was 8 feet away I moved here for pic. It crapped on both my rests. Coincidence and bad luck just went out the window. So I’ve been battling Fred’s cousin with dignity and this morning at 7:15 I have to rearrange my cans. Doesn’t end there. I jump in my side by side to go get the mail. Her magistrate cleaned my windshieldView attachment 351882Crow
that's what they "do-do" because that's what they "do-do" and they never apologize for what they "do-do", it's natural and they never feel bad about it because it's only "do-do"! LOL
Have you tried to hang some streamers of some kind by the door? Something that moves around in the wind? My parents had a mountain property and one year got invaded by cliff swallows. They tried to build their nests on the side of their house. We’d knock them down as fast as they built them not giving them any chance to lay their eggs but they keep at it. We made a bunch of streamers out of paper and strips of cloth and hung them up from the eaves. It worked way better than fighting them and knocking their nests down. The swallows would veer away when they came in to land on the side of the house. They didn’t like the movement of the streamers and it was a great deterrent and moved on pretty quickly after we hung the up.

Here’s a couple of ideas. Doesn’t have to be fancy. We made our own out of stuff we had on hand. Heard CDs hung by fishing line worked good too.

View attachment 352249

View attachment 352250
The first streamer has owl eyes. Great idea, using raptor eye simulation!
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missed you @ toy's , next year if you make it to the new place and name of show .
I was itching to go like no tomorrow. I found out too late. I need to stay 2 days to be able to bring back $800. Need to bring the wife for double. She needs weeks and weeks notice to save marriage. Can hit pyramid Air on way back as well. Gonna have to bring my closed trailer, 😆 Would have been cool to meet a few members. I’ll sniff around for other shows. Crow
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