Carnival game....sort of.

We all remember the full auto bb gun game where you punch out the star to win...I assume. Am basically doing the same thing but using a HW30 in 177 to see how many shots to clear the red dot.
The target

I have been standing, offhand...admittedly with 1 elbow just touching the wall for a little extra stability. Iron sights,At 10m, this is my best today.
19 shots, anyone out there wanna beat it?
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The reason why this carnival "scam" was so profitable was shown in the OP's pic. There was still some red showing, so the OP would have lost according to how the old carnival rules read. You have to clear EVERY piece of the "star".

That becomes very hard to do when all you have left are the little whippy strips of paper.

Nice challenge, but even the OP didn't do it. (smile)

All my best!

The reason why this carnival "scam" was so profitable was shown in the OP's pic. There was still some red showing, so the OP would have lost according to how the old carnival rules read. You have to clear EVERY piece of the "star".

That becomes very hard to do when all you have left are the little whippy strips of paper.

Nice challenge, but even the OP didn't do it. (smile)

All my best!

It is a challenge for sure...and I invite you to have a go at it. Your prize for winning will be ...whatever you choose to buy yourself for a job well done. Good luck!