Carving a Redwolf Walnut Stock

So the very talented Jose Valencia has begun the work on my Redwolf Stock:

A man has got to know his limitations!!!! That is incredibale talent! I have no talent when it comes to woodworking so I pay those that are great. And for those who compalin about what it costs you proably are unaware of what it takes to do that type of work and artistry and didnt notice the word custom on thier bussiness card.
Taking a stock that already needs to be babied to protect its beauty, taking it to a show piece that likely will require even greater care.

Very cool and showy no doubt !!! Practical in my shooting world not so much.
It will be an everyday shooter.
life is short, Thus the joy in hanging with great people, shooting nice Airguns and creating things of beauty. Art locked away in vaults is a peculiar thing.
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Art locked away in vaults is a peculiar thing.

When folks would compliment my Sporting Chance custom bows with, "You are a true artist", I'd always correct them with this-

"Thank you, but I don't consider myself an artist. I'm a craftsman. In my opinion art has only two purposes- beauty, and conversation. My bows are made to be SHOT, so for that reason don't qualify as art."

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I never doubted you'd use that lovely Red Wolf, CD. I mean, for more than wall art! (y) Happy SHOOTING! :D

So much better looking than that lam stock they sell.

I occasionally used some laminated wood products called Actionwood (back then) in my custom bow making venture. Though extremely functional, I consider it a man-made wood PRODUCT; not wood. That said, I also condsider it preferable in gun stocks to plastic. 🤮

But real wood, especially with interesting grain or figuring, and most-especially exotic hardwoods and rosewoods give me a...

Woody! 😱

Figuratively speaking
, of course. But only because at 71... :unsure:

Never mind.

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Bow risers (handles) of (left to right)- Honduran Rosewood, Kingwood, and Camo Actionwood man-made wood PRODUCT (often made to emulate Coco Bolo in pistol grips and knife handles).

Actual, natural, Coco Bolo; my favorite exotic hardwood-


BOINNNNNGGGG! :eek::rolleyes:
