Cheap .22 pellet recommendations

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anyone have a budget .22 cal pellet recommendation? Looking for accuracy & consistency. What have you found that you can recommend?

I suppose that depends on your rifle and your elevation.

My .22 springers shoot any pellet under 15 grs. fairly well. But at 4000 fas anything heavier is only running about 590 fps and has a big trajectory. For spring rifles at altitude the Crosman Domes an H&N FTT have worked best.

Lots of springer guys shoot the 15+ gr. Pellets at sea level and love them. And a PCP will definitely handle heavier pellets. A gas ram gun will probably shoot heavier pellets well at this altitude too.

There are differences in brands. But I've found in my case the weight range is most important. The difference in brands is secondary.

My most accurate pellets are H&N 14.6, JSB 14.6 and Crosman 14.3. I'm certain that will change at sea level and equally certain it will change when at higher elevations.

Your rifles speed, impulse characteristics, barrel length and bore dimensions all play into the pellet selection.

I've found what most guys say works well for them is just too heavy for me. The speed they are getting is usually way above what my springers shoot. So in order to give (or take) any advice on pellets you should probably tell us what type of rifle you shoot and what elevation you shoot at.
Norma Trophy are high quality yet at a budget price. The company made way to many now they are greatly discounting them to clear inventory.
At Pyramid air they sell 4 packs for $20. Buy 3 get 1free.
I buy $150 plus at a time and it works out to 2 cents per pellet. Out of 8,000 I have shot I found about 3 that were not perfectly formed. 😃 these Norma shoot as good or better then all the other brands I tried.
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DPCI has the Beeman domes for ~$3 per 175, or just over 1.7 cents each. 15.2 grain.
I found Beeman pellets to need a good sorting to remove obviously defective pellets. Maybe more defectives than some other makes (a couple percent rejects), but what was left shot consistently well in some guns. They felt made of a good, soft lead.