Cheap vs. Expensive

Thought I would take advantage of little wind after work today and do a little shooting. Couldn’t decide what to shoot so just picked a couple guns for a fun comparison. Daisy 880 with open sights compared to Daystate Wolverine R with Aztec emerald scope set at 16x. I used shooting sticks off a seat field target style for the position. Range was 10, 20, 30 yd. A bit of a wind gust came up for a couple of shots, but that’s all part of it. I was really surprised how well the Daisy did with the open sights. Even though at 30 yd I was having trouble seeing the bull.
The target is below. I didn’t hold over with the Daisy, mainly because I didn’t know how much. It is usually my indoor 10m gun. I did adjust with the Daystate since the scope allows for that.
I took 3 shots at each bull. Of course the Wolverine did much better all the way, but it was still a lot of fun.

Haven’t had much time to shoot lately so today it was nice to relax for a bit.



Yes, considering the open sights I was really surprised when I walked up to the 20 yard and saw the two shots touching. Really love how the wadcutters make such a clean hole.

Thanks for all the comments.
Just noticed you were using different pellets per slingers.
Try the same ammo in each next time for side by side comparison. I promise you the 880 will throw thos AA. She will even sling 15.74gr rabbit magnums(heaviest ive tried in it)🤗🤪🤙
Interesting that you used 10 pumps on all distances, since you said you consider the 880 your indoor 10 meter gun. At what distance did you zero it?

I zeroed mine at 10 meters and it shoots well at 10 meters with only 4 to 6 pumps*. For paper or aluminum cans, I pump it 4x per shot. For steel cans or spinners, I give it 5 to 6 pumps, because I want the pellet to penetrate the can (the circular end of it, which is either thicker or tougher than the wall), and I want the bounce off the spinner to make a nice sound. 😊

*Pellet is RWS R10 WC 8.2 gr; when using the Crosman domed copper 10.6 gr pellet I added another pump.
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When I shoot in the basement, I just use 5 pumps. Since this is the first time I really shot it outside, and knew I would be stretching it out. I decided to consistently use 10 pumps at all distances.

It is sighted it for 10 meters, with 5 pumps. Center of mass hold.

When I was outside , I forgot this was center of mass and held it for lollipop hold. I realized that after shooting the 10 yard target, so figured I would just stay with it for the day.

I didn’t really have a decided plan, just enjoying the trigger time after work, since I had a little time, AND it wasn’t windy. Once I started, I just kept going stretching it out.

Thanks for reading the post.
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When I shoot in the basement, I just use 5 pumps. Since this is the first time I really shot it outside, and knew I would be stretching it out. I decided to consistently use 10 pumps at all distances.

It is sighted it for 10 meters, with 5 pumps. Center of mass hold.

When I was outside , I forgot this was center of mass and held it for lollipop hold. I realized that after shooting the 10 yard target, so figured I would just stay with it for the day.

I didn’t really have a decided plan, just enjoying the trigger time after work, since I had a little time, AND it wasn’t windy. Once I started, I just kept going stretching it out.

Thanks for reading the post.
IF you ever want to shoot paper at 10’, only 2 pumps works great!

If by stretching it out you mean shooting more pellets than originally planned, that’s me, too. Some time, little wind, and plenty of pellets = fun.
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