Rudely awoken just after 1 by the chicken alarm, I checked my backyard NV cam and spotted a large bandit trying to break into the coop. I'd seen him on the trail cam the last couple of nights and had the trusty Leshiy Classic dialed in with a NV scope. By the time I was ready he had moved on to the bird buffet, about 70 yards out and was working out how to get to the feeder. Just after powering up and getting the window open, he looked right at me and I zoned in on the breakdancer switch. The LC is shooting Zan 177 10 grain slugs at 940fps and is brutally accurate. Its also stupidly quiet and makes about the same racket as a beer can opening, so perfect for this job. In the heat of the moment, I forgot to set the scope to record but the action happened right below my trail cam so a few juicy pics tell the story. He went down instantly and commenced the inverted dance. The girls produced a few extra tasty eggs for me this morning. Hopefully, I don't have to spend time defending the use of a 177 after rallyshark's second hog post! Even at 22fpe, those tiny pills have crazy penetration.