I freely admit I did not know how to use search for these questions. Woe unto me!
I bought a china side lever gun at the flea market. It looks to be in fair shape. I cleaned it and lubed what I could reach on the outside.
When I went to shoot it things went down hill a bit. It seems weak in the power dept. I also have no idea where it is shooting.
Is there a rebuild kit for these things,I looked on ebay and did not see anything.
Did these guns have a safty? Please tell me anytjing you know about these guns. I already know they are pretty much junk so you don't have to tell me that.
Thank You
I bought a china side lever gun at the flea market. It looks to be in fair shape. I cleaned it and lubed what I could reach on the outside.
When I went to shoot it things went down hill a bit. It seems weak in the power dept. I also have no idea where it is shooting.
Is there a rebuild kit for these things,I looked on ebay and did not see anything.
Did these guns have a safty? Please tell me anytjing you know about these guns. I already know they are pretty much junk so you don't have to tell me that.
Thank You