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Chip monks in the snow.

Don't go thinking that if there's a ton of snow on the ground and it's cold as can be outside that your chip monk season is necessarily over. I've gotten five chip monks (plus a rabbit) in the last six days when there was 4 - 6 inches of snow on the ground. The chip monk I got today, I got while it was snowing like crazy out there. It was 24 degrees out, snowing like crazy, and there were chip monks running around all over the place.

I never would have imagined...

I picked one off, collected it for our cat, and let the other ones live for another day. They can be out there if they want. I don't like the cold, and the cat doesn't need more than one a day in the winter.

I think I called "end of season" too early last year.

They say eastern chip monks hibernate in the winter, while western chip monks don't. So I'm going to keep going out year round to see what the story is with them.
