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Chipmunk hunting when all of sudden....... (VIDEO)

So I'm set up working some chippers when all of a sudden beyond the hemlock row I see movement and it certainly is not a chipper.

I catch a glimpse of her through an opening and I turn on my scope camera in anticipation. 
If I had to guess her overall length was 36 inches or so. Pretty cool.


Yup she knew I was there.
Awesome video. Thanks for sharing! The amazing thing is, she visited while you were sitting at your scope with your camera running. Clearly, you could’ve whacked her numerous times, and didn’t. I have been in the same situation, and did the same. Just too cool to shoot. Of course I didn’t have a freaking video camera running on my scope. Nice job.

Thank you all for your comments and to those that thanked me, You are very welcome :)

@JimNM - I honestly was hoping I could catch her on video catching a chipper, that would have been the best!
@Flintsack - I saw her off a bit and fired up the scope cam anticipating her exit from the hemlock row, got lucky for sure.
Yeah I knew she was going to jump over there as I caught the tail end (literally) in previous sightings, yes I was cranking the parallax as she was moving to try to keep her clear but obviously failing miserably lol
@L.Leon - Can you imagine how freaking awesome it would have been if I video captured her jacking some chippers up, WOW that would have been cool.
@FLgunner - Two of em, NICE!!! Thanks for the share. 
@Babaganoush - What I wouldn't give to film/video that action.
@2D1C - I have seen her like 4 times around the same time of the day but never had my video cameras ready in time to capture. It truly was perfect timing.


Dude, if it’s coming by at same time, can you set up some cameras like the Arlo or Tactacam? 

I tried but as if she knows there is camera equipment there. Of the few times I have seen here it was over 8 months so you can imagine that after 12 weeks and catching nothing I move stuff or give up but then the next day as I am walking the ground, boom there she is just enough for me to see her ghost away and I'm son of a!!!!
Nice catch on camera 🎥. The past 10 years have multiplied in population around my neck of the woods. I have to go out and scare them away from my chickens once and a while. I’ve shot a few in the past, but have actually grown to enjoy their majestic beauty. Certainly to each is own, and under the right circumstance I could probably take another, but until then I’ll enjoy their beauty. Very cool Haji..