Choosing another PCP?

I am looking at a couple new PCP rifles the RAW HM 1000 and the FX Royale 500 both in .25 cal. I see the FX has 3 different power levels I am not sure how important that is to me?. I bought an FX Wildcat and really like the quality but the gun does not work well for me as a bench gun it is hard even with high rings to get a good sight picture through the scope my cheek is buried into the cheek rest on the bench, and the gun just feels really short to me I am big with long arms I want something that fits me better.

I am really considering keeping the Wildcat and just buying another rifle (my wife will eventually get over it). I really want a one hole tack driving gun that benches well. I want a regulated gun I really like most everything about my Wildcat except the fit. I might add the Wildcat shoulders well off the bench and feels very natural but on the bench not so much. I would also like a gun with nice wood and maybe I am overlooking some other gun. The trigger is also very important to me I do not want a heavy trigger.

Thanks Mike
There are alot of great guns out there, but in my opinion the RAW line of guns would be my choice. I have never owned one, but did get to shoot a .22 a few times. They are just amazing quality and performance from top to bottom. By all reports the customer service is amazing and for a price that is very reasonable for what is essentially a custom built rifle.
Personally "I" do not change power levels on my rifles-different rifles for different things- more find the very best fps/fpe for that rig and leave it.
I own an HM1000, love it ! Ordered it just the way I wanted it (after talking with and listening to Martin, after telling him my general wants) and got perfection. It is the only pre-charge that I have made NO adjustments on - except the butt pad- that shocked me. Martin personally sets up every rifle sold and that TN Black Walnut is first rate.

edit:(early here)
The power level is somewhat adjustable (even with the reg) via a screw in the rear of action. If you like RAW would inlet the stock enough to allow access to this screw w/out stock removal. And naturally you could adjust the regulator. If ever needed the design is quite simple. 
I've had both the FX Royale 500 and the HM1000X, each in .25 of course. Both very different guns. Martin is a great guy to talk to and do business with. He'll go out of his way to help you. In the end however, I did not really enjoy my experience with the RAW and sold it (I think I'm in the minority here as most seem to like them). I loved the Royale from the day I bought it to the day I sold it. So much so that I am considering buying another one now that the funds are available. The Royale is the only gun I've ever sold and have considered buying another one. Both the Royale and the HM1000X have excellent triggers. I'd even give the edge in the trigger dept to the RAW, but I'm pretty sure the trigger on mine had been adjusted at some point and I never tried to adjust the trigger on the Royale to match the RAW because it was already so good out of the box. I don't think you'll go wrong with either one as both triggers are very adjustable. I never really used the power wheel on the Royale as I never had a shortage of air, but it was nice to know I had the option should I ever need it. I also liked that the Royale was lighter but weight was never a deal breaker for me due to the nature of bench shooting.

I too am a big guy with long arms and I mostly just shoot from a bench. Did a ton of bench shooting with the Royale and always left the bench grinning from ear to ear. I don't miss the Raw at all. PM me if you want some more info on my experiences between the two.

Have you looked at the Daystate line of air guns? I have a Daystate Huntsman XL and I love it. It has a beautiful wood stock and it is a tack driver. I don't use it for Bench Shooting but Lord knows that it puts the hurt on pests out to 80 yds (my furthest kill, so far). A friend of mine that has a Steyr bench rifle saw mine and bought a similar one to mine and is also amazed at its accuracy and also loves the way it looks. 
"NMshooter"The "free" scope goes up to only 12x power. If you are going to shoot benchrest you may still want to purchase a higher magnification scope.
I really don't know what to do??? I would sell the $279 scope unused to help fund a better scope that was the plan but I am still really considering the RAW HM 1000X. Dollar for dollar it is very close so it is not really a $$ thing. I am going to talk with Martin again.

I sent Martin an email this morning ordering the HM-1000X in .25 I am still deciding on the stock laminate or walnut I do not want thumb hole type but I am going to get the adjustable cheek piece. He is going to make my stock 1" over normal due to my size this is one of the reasons I chose this one over the Royale was to get it fit to me. I hate the idea of waiting 10 weeks but it will be worth the wait to get a custom fit gun.
