Chrono results in used Air Arms Pro Sport and TX200 HC both 0.177

What would be the acceptable chrono test average speeds for:
  • used Pro Sport 0.177 and
  • used TX200 HC 0.177

Both were bought used and in supposed to be in good functional conditions. I have no information about their original power version (standard or FAC). What I would like to know is a reference in order to know if those rifles need seal and/or spring change. Thanks in advance for your replies.

It may be easier to determine if there is an issue if you share your chrono results with us. I would put 10-20 over the chrono for each gun and post the results here. Typically a spread of 12fps and an SD of 3-4 is pretty healthy. Certain pellets like the Crosman Premiers tend to have a higher spread though so knowing what pellet you're using is important.
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Depending on pellet and amount of spring fatigue mine get between 860 and 915 using 8.4 grain pellets.

I should probably clarify, this is not one rifle. The SD is around 5 fps for each. The TX200 shooting at 860 is the nicest to shoot. The ProSport giving out 915 is harsher but has a nice thump to it. I did replace the spring guide on the TX200 with my own and set the spring for 24 hours to lower the power.
