
Had a Caldwell until it started acting up after repeated abuse (my fault, grazing it with a pellet, knocking the tripod over). I like my new Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX better because of the Bluetooth connection to a smartphone, the way it collects shot data into strings with stats that are saved, and it even calls out the velocity audibly via the phone app. Just overall a user friendly unit with a reasonable $125 price tag. No complaints about consistency or accuracy, either.
What chronographs do you guys prefer ? Do you use lighted sky screens ? 

Mod edit: moved to Other Parts, Accessories and Equipment forum

Hello ghoststalker

I just bought my first chorny; actually my first 2 chronys.

The FX Radar Chronograph should arrive before the weekend.

I'll try it out as it is meant to be used; but really want to barrel mount it.

There are a few ideas on the internet about that & there's a guy in the UK who has made barrel mount that he sells for 29LB sterling (ouch!!!)

I'd like this to be my "go to" chrony with which I can shoot at targets without concern about pelleting the machine

I considered the Air Chrony MK 1; but went to FX for the smart phone connectivity

The 2nd is the under $30 (shipped) Chinese Shooting-Speed-Tester that can be found on e-Bay & on Amazon.

I bought it out of curiosity

It too is barrel mount (rudimentary); and I'd like to see if it will withstand the recoil of nitro piston break barrels.

I'll report back to this thread on both once I have them set up and working properly

Here are some links from my shopping & research


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I bought a Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX a while back and has worked well for me. If you prefer metric over imperial (like me), then you have to turn the unit on while holding one of the buttons (redisplay?), and tell the app that the velocities are in metric. If you use it indoors, then you need to add a lighting kit. While the chronograph use 9v batteries, the lighting is 120v via a wall adapter. I provided Competition Electronics with feedback on their app, and they were very responsive which I thought was great.

To me, it was dishonest that Giles did a "review" of the FX Radar Chronograph and but didn't disclose that he was part of the development process of the unit and hence have a vested interest. That video, btw, demonstrated issues with accuracy.


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I still have a ProChrono. Always worked well and wasn't difficult to set up. Still works well after a pellet hit to the top rim that popped the front label plate off (wish I could find the dummy that shot it but I was the only one there and I didn't see him😁).

Still considering an FX unit for the air guns now that the mounting issue seems to have made them reliably consistent but I need a normal chronograph for centerfire rifles and handguns.
I still have a ProChrono. Always worked well and wasn't difficult to set up. Still works well after a pellet hit to the top rim that popped the front label plate off (wish I could find the dummy that shot it but I was the only one there and I didn't see him😁).

Still considering an FX unit for the air guns now that the mounting issue seems to have made them reliably consistent but I need a normal chronograph for centerfire rifles and handguns.

Hello bandg

Tell me more about the FX mounting issue please; & how it has been resolved

This is something my research did not find.

My FX gets delivered tomorrow

I still have a ProChrono. Always worked well and wasn't difficult to set up. Still works well after a pellet hit to the top rim that popped the front label plate off (wish I could find the dummy that shot it but I was the only one there and I didn't see him😁).

Still considering an FX unit for the air guns now that the mounting issue seems to have made them reliably consistent but I need a normal chronograph for centerfire rifles and handguns.

Hello bandg

Tell me more about the FX mounting issue please; & how it has been resolved

This is something my research did not find.

My FX gets delivered tomorrow


I was referring to the concept that many now seem happy with the FX unit if it is mounted under the barrel and attached to it whereas many seemed to have issues with positioning if the FX was on a tripod or sitting on a table and not directly attached to the barrel. Seems the FX unit is "somewhat sensitive" to positioning (slightly up/down or fore/aft and possibly angle) and attaching it to the barrel may resolve that. There is a mounting bracket available from a seller in the UK that uses rubber straps to attach the unit. Others have used tape to attach the unit to the barrel. I don't have an FX unit myself but I really like the size and potential convenience if it is consistent and accurate. Having said that, my once shot ProChrono still works just fine.
Thanks bandg

I was not aware that hanging the unit off the barrel was found to have a beneficial effect.

I had already decided to find a way to do so without that knowledge.

Many ideas on a sketch pad were interrupted when an acquaintance offered to print me a mock up of the one he made for himself.

We'll see how it works upon delivery next week.

And yes;

I have seen the UK made barrel mount

It looks nice except for the price

LB Sterling 25.99, delivered to the US; that's $31.60 at today's exchange rate.

My FX Radar will be delivered tomorrow.

Hopefully there are no problems with connection to iPhone 6S, no software glitches; & all works accurately & properly.

If the FX fails the test, the backup plan would be an Air-Chrony Mk1

Thanks bandg

I was not aware that hanging the unit off the barrel was found to have a beneficial effect.

I had already decided to find a way to do so without that knowledge.

Many ideas on a sketch pad were interrupted when an acquaintance offered to print me a mock up of the one he made for himself.

We'll see how it works upon delivery next week.

And yes;

I have seen the UK made barrel mount

It looks nice except for the price

LB Sterling 25.99, delivered to the US; that's $31.60 at today's exchange rate.

My FX Radar will be delivered tomorrow.

Hopefully there are no problems with connection to iPhone 6S, no software glitches; & all works accurately & properly.

If the FX fails the test, the backup plan would be an Air-Chrony Mk1


I agree. The UK mount looks great but It still uses elastic bands (seems it could shift relatively easily) to attach and is pricey for something so simple. Seems it is working well for people but I was thinking of something a little more substantial but still easily moved from gun to gun. You can buy a GoPro or other brand generic handlebar mount off ebay for $20 to $30 and make a simple bracket to attach that to the FX unit. Seems the advantage to the UK mount is that it is shaped to position the FX unit in what is believed to be the best position and it might be easier to use for that reason. I don't have the FX unit (yet) so I'm not speaking from experience, just trying to relate what others have devoted time to figuring out. Good luck with it.
I've got one. Works great and have used it on several powder burners with bull barrels. Shot it over a Caldwell pro chrono and results were similar. Those two set at the moment and my go to is my Lab Radar. Had the FX and mine was inconsistent shooting it over any of the others so It went bye bye.