I find it amusing as well, that the snarkiest individuals here have been members less than three years…..interesting!
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You've been a member for close to 7 years but aren't very active. Things change as time goes on. Maybe it would've been all chocolates and roses if you hadn't abandoned us. You were the very fiber that held us together. We simply lost our way and our manners after your 170ish posts before this super stellar thread.I find it amusing as well, that the snarkiest individuals here have been members less than three years…..interesting!
no bud, you keep missing the point. There is no us and them. It is our house, and you’re new here. Thanks for your input though, just because your new doesn’t mean you aren’t heard, I just hope any further posts on this topic are constructive and higher quality.Also, you're in THEIR house, so you follow THEIR rules. If seeing some repost an add for 109th time bothers you, look away. Simple as that.
It's only difficult until you learn how.I don't seem able to find out how to contact a seller I've met the requirements to PM a person selling but to clear on how to do this " starting a conversation" has become available but is that the same? Crazy how it seems so difficult to contact a person when interested! Just saying!
For years I have asked the owner of this forum to limit users to ONE ad on page 1. When your ad drops to page 2, you can put one more ad on page 1. Another thing that could be done is limit the number of re-lists to 3. After that, auto delete the ad so someone has to g through the effort of re-creating the ad.What kind of change do you suggest? The only thing I would ask to be added is search by brand. But that's it.
I could "possibly" see that as an okay solution if it weren't for the fact that you can sort through the ads extensively.For years I have asked the owner of this forum to limit users to ONE ad on page 1. When your ad drops to page 2, you can put one more ad on page 1. Another thing that could be done is limit the number of re-lists to 3. After that, auto delete the ad so someone has to g through the effort of re-creating the ad.
Thanks for your post very much helpful!It's only difficult until you learn how.
(No insult intended)
Using the Start Conversation button is how to make contact