Cleaning of air rifle

I use Pledge (a spray wax furniture cleaner and polish) on a lot of my fishing, shooting stuff, tools and outdoor equipment.

The thin wax coating is enough to protect against moisture, finger prints, salts, and sticky stuff. It makes getting fish slime off of rods and reels easier as well.

The wax can make surfaces more slippery so be aware about using on tool handles like found on hammers.

Large surfaces can be sprayed and wiped as per instructions on the can. For small or odd shaped items I spray a small amount of wax on a clean rag for application.

New stuff gets a coat or two to seal the surface and put a thin barrier on the finish before use. I reapply the wax during routine maintenance or as required.

As a bonus to the protection, the wax fills in fine scratches and adds a nice shine to things... which it what it was probably intended to do. 😉

Works for me 😁

my Two are all tacticool, so black textured / satin aluminium
The Two just eat up dirt VS my much older also black but glossy FX Maverick
I’ve used dish soap and a bristle brush..(toothbrush)…then blow it off with the air hose...looked new again…didn’t do anything for the dings. John
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The smell of Ballistol is really an aquired taste. When I started using it, I absolutely hated the smell, but over a period of years I have come to not hate it. I would not say that I like it but at least I don't mind it. I read some write up on the history of the stuff, it's actually pretty interesting, so I stuck with it.
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