I like this topic. Getting back to the original question of Closed Cell foam wrap. I was thinking vinyl tubing of the thicker variety. Like taming the vibration from the handle of a hammer strike on a nail. Also changing the resonance "bell" with tension on maybe the plenum or similar cylindrical item. Using whatever, electrical tape wrapped, maybe plastic hose clamp, or sturdy nylon zip ties. Just experiment with ideas to see where it leads. The image that I am trying to confer is a wind chime and trying to reduce the "chime" either in tone (volume) or pitch (frequency). Also it was mentioned the "hammer of the airgun" by using tungeston for a different material from original. That would be also an idea to explore and maybe, I am not familiar with the actual internal schematics but maybe a " buffer" can be employed, that is dissimilar in material that 'checks' the relation between spring and hammer. This may sound like a bit of a ramble, and I apologize in advance. If anyone understands this train of thought, I thank you in advance for your consideration. Hopefull that more ideas are forth coming from the forum.
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