I have always been a competitor not a collector. But years ago I had way too many guns. I now keep in control by only keeping guns I am using. As I have moved through disciplines I have always had good equipment that won so I usually did fine as I trimmed what I no longer used to either compete with or hunt with. I always kept gun money apart from house money. I am really enjoying my dive into springers. Most enjoyablr is my wife getting involved in shooting springers in the benchrest game after years of being supportive of my efforts but resisting all attemps to get her involved. Trouble is she has gotten real good real fast. I always knew she had the right tools. Anal personality, perfectionist, and a good memory. She keeps us on our toes. Not every one likes to compete. Some like to tinker, some like to admire the craftsmanship, some like to promote the sport. There is room for all of us, it's a great shooting sport, I'm glad I finally found it. Some day I might even try a dark gun, lol.
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