N/A Compact 22 advice: FX Wildcat? RAW Micro Hunter? AGT Vixen?

Been budgeting and researching for a micro-compact precision plinker and occasional small game hunter.

I have a FX boss (CF bottle version) and love its build quality, precision, and simplicity but under 50yd it is too much gun. So I want that level of quality and simplicity.
I have been narrowing it down to the above in the title and as a wildcard a Bobcat MKII but open to suggestions

* shoot pellets mostly (22)
* 30” OAL or under
* 800fps minimum (15.9)
* high shot count
* not into tinkering but power wheel a +
* $1500 or under gun budget

Long post but I really appreciate help!

"Micro-compact" and "high shot count" tend to not play well together. Kind of like wanting to drag race in a Nissan Leaf. You really need to pick one or the other.

But, my two favorites since I love me some small compacts: FX dreamlite compact and FX Wildcat Mk3 Compact w/cylinder (This one is still new to me, but loving it so far). The wildcat certainly has a higher shot count than the dreamlite, but still nowhere near what I would call a high shot count.
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"Micro-compact" and "high shot count" tend to not play well together. Kind of like wanting to drag race in a Nissan Leaf. You really need to pick one or the other.

But, my two favorites since I love me some small compacts: FX dreamlite compact and FX Wildcat Mk3 Compact w/cylinder (This one is still new to me, but loving it so far). The wildcat certainly has a higher shot count than the dreamlite, but still nowhere near what I would call a high shot count.
Ok some clarity. High shot count meaning 4-5 magazines.
Been budgeting and researching for a micro-compact precision plinker and occasional small game hunter.

I have a FX boss (CF bottle version) and love its build quality, precision, and simplicity but under 50yd it is too much gun. So I want that level of quality and simplicity.
I have been narrowing it down to the above in the title and as a wildcard a Bobcat MKII but open to suggestions

* shoot pellets mostly (22)
* 30” OAL or under
* 800fps minimum (15.9)
* high shot count
* not into tinkering but power wheel a +
* $1500 or under gun budget

Long post but I really appreciate help!

Kalibrgun Cricket 2 45 OA length of 27.7" it will give you 130 shots shooting the 15.89gt oellets at 860fps and it has a max power of 40-41fpe ( which will give you about 55 shots)without messing with the regulator. You can easily adjust the power with the HST on the back. It will shoot pellets phenominally and light weight slugs 17.5gr NSA just as good and even better at longer distances. My one con of the gun is that it has a slight ping to it. If you're used to guns with no ping, it may take a bit to adjust to it. Also mags are cheap, compared to every other high end gun, at about $38 and in .22 they hold 12 rounds
I have both a Krait L (not compact) and an FX Panthera Hunter Compact (2 bottles) both in 25. The Krait Compact would be the smallest from factor over the PHC and would probably be my choice for a compact out of the 2. Both are spot on at 50 yards and each will shoot 2" groups at 100 (limitation is me!) Both are very tunable with both reg tuning and hammer tuning. I like them both. But I would probably look into a Krait Compact as the barrel is longer than most compacts (not Taipan or other true bullpups) and makes it a smaller truck gun. The longer the barrel, the more shots you will get... overall and all things considered and anything else I can say to cover my a$$!
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Ok some clarity. High shot count meaning 4-5 magazines.

You'll be able to get about 3 mags per fill with the cylinder version of the WC compact if shooting in the mid 800s. More with the bottle version, but once you go bottle you're no longer in the truly compact territory, in my opinion. But may be a good option for you if you won't mind the extra bit of bulk.
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I think the micro hunter and even a compact wildcat are miles apart in size and power. All depends on your particular needs I suppose. I personally couldn’t shell out the money for the raw at only a little over 20 ft lbs. A compact wildcat is pretty small and light and still has some whack or can be turned down to a pussy cat.
It says it can put out 23fpe so 809fps with the 15.89
That may be the .25 cal version. I question any numbers so far seen on the internet because they conflict with each other. It;s hard to squeeze very much power from an 8 inch barrel. I hope someone publishes some actual data for all calibers. Personally, I wish RAW made this gun with a 300 cc CF bottle and a 10-12 inch barrel.
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That may be the .25 cal version. I question any numbers so far seen on the internet because they conflict with each other. It;s hard to squeeze very much power from an 8 inch barrel. I hope someone publishes some actual data for all calibers. Personally, I wish RAW made this gun with a 300 cc CF bottle and a 10-12 inch barrel.
I see what you're saying, pyramydair says 14fpe in .177, 23fpe in .22 and 28fpe in .25 while utah says 20fpe in .177 and .22 while .25 is 27.7fpe. I honestly don't think anyone is really going to give the gun a try given that it's been out for a little over 6 months. The figures on the gun given it's size is disheartening to say the least. My leshiy classic gets more shots as well as produce more power than the microhunter, and I'm only stating this because the leshiy classic is an old gun. I feel you on the bottle, it could've even been a 200cc 300b bottle.

Not trying to trail off here, but for the amount of money you'd spend on something this compact, the OP may as well get the huben gk1 with a stock.
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Either one of these. The compact in.177 gets shot more when I'm just plinking . The top is .22 cal and around 34 fpe . Great triggers and you can't double load even if you try .
Been budgeting and researching for a micro-compact precision plinker and occasional small game hunter.

I have a FX boss (CF bottle version) and love its build quality, precision, and simplicity but under 50yd it is too much gun. So I want that level of quality and simplicity.
I have been narrowing it down to the above in the title and as a wildcard a Bobcat MKII but open to suggestions

* shoot pellets mostly (22)
* 30” OAL or under
* 800fps minimum (15.9)
* high shot count
* not into tinkering but power wheel a +
* $1500 or under gun budget

Long post but I really appreciate help!

Have you considered a BRK Pathfinder? Its a superb little gun that ticks off a lot of your requirements… I plink and pest with mine.

