N/A Compacts Only

Some nice looking carbines on this thread, and some high dollar ones. A few of mine.


Literally just pulled my debit card out this morning and commited to a Taipan Veteran Compact.

It was a draw between this gun and a Krale Empire XS as I was looking for a short-short to pack with.

Hopefully I can live with this decision.....
I love my Empire XS. Simple light and accurate. Low fill pressure and not a ton of shots but the wood is really nice and hard to beat for the money.
One of my favorite guns I own. A Taipan Mutant. It is about as quiet and small as they come and the trigger is one of the best.View attachment 524290
Thanks for the positive affirmation Mike!

I was looking to go w as small a package as possible & this gun seems to have a pretty stellar reputation.

I think this will be the just ticket for where I want to go.
I wanted that gun so bad, but Krals are a little hard to find and only in .22 (I don't need more different calibers! LOL)

It looks like an amazing gun at a very good price-point
Mine is a .25, I've had it apart since the day I got it (3years) but will hopefully have it tuned and shooting tomorrow. This thread reminded of it... 😆... I rarely have time for my personal guns anymore.
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Huben (.25) and BRK Ghost Plus (.22) both under 33". I don't need a moderator on the Huben.

My two favorite PCPs of all I've owned. Planning on a grip cap and forend tip on the Huben.

I know some don't like the Form bull pup stock for the Ghost, but I can see me getting it sometime.

View attachment 524271View attachment 524272
You won the stock lottery on that Huben. Beautiful!
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I guess it's a very subjective question. Personally, I think any any airgun that has a stock is a rifle, doesn't matter that it started as a pistol, once it has a stock and you shoot it from your shoulder it's a rifle. That's just my opinion and I'm probably wrong. If it's fairly short it's a carbine. If it's really short, it a compact carbine.
Where I differ with some, is calling a bullpup over 30" a compact. In my view a compact is shorter than a standard version of a either rifle or bullpup. As an example, a Vet compact is a compact, a standard is not, a long is definitely not compact. A crown with a 380mm barrel is a compact, with 500mm and above it's not. Like I said, it's subjective. I've enjoyed this thread and except that most, if not all of us have different opinions on compact. None of us are wrong, just have different opinions.