Compare...your Marauder .25 to your bullpup, Bobcat, Wildcat, Vulcan, Edgun, etc

Since the Marauder .25 is such a popular gun and it is one that I own as well, I would really like to hear from the folks that have a Marauder and a bullpup of any make or model. How do they compare in the areas of accuracy, noise, feel, ease of carry (kind of an obvious answer on that, but maybe you have something worth comparison?) or just anything you think is worthwhile noting when comparing a bullpup to the .25 Marauder. Accuracy would be a big one for me, how do they compare? Thanks.
Bobcat mk2 .30 vs marauder .25

Hands down the Bcat is more accurate and more powerful than the Mrod. The power puts the noise level above that of the Mrod, and I wouldn't really call either back yard friendly for close neighbors.
Although heavier the bullpups weight feels better balanced since it is in closer to shooter, but with no sling attachment the full length rifle carries better. With that said here is a post I did a few days ago with the Bobcat at 60 yards. I don' t think I could put 7 shots in 7/16 of inch with my Mrod.
Have a few .25 Marauders and have had a couple of Cricket bullpups. I will start with saying I am not a bullpup fan an will never own another. Just don't like the ergonomics. My Crickets were accurate and had a much larger shot count than my Marauders but I didn't like them. Many will disagree, but bullpups aren't intended for long range shooting and that is my joy in airgunning. You can shoot them at long range and shoot some amazing groups, but I still prefer a traditional rifle over a bull pup.
its kinda an unfair question

you taking an entry level 500 dollar gun and trying to compare it to bulpups where there usually 1000+ and pretty much most of the companies that make the bulpups are know for the accuracy, power...ect lol I would like to see how many have converted there marauders to a bull pup and how that changed there shooting to me that's an honest comparison
Bull pups aren't for me at 100 yards and further. To each their own. Both of my Crickets were extremely accurate and I could shoot them very well. I just prefer a traditional long gun to a bull pup for well... any shooting for that matter. Off bags or a front rest was fine, but shooting prone which I do alot, I really didn't like the pups. Just different strokes for different folks I suppose.

In reality, bull pups were never intended for long range application. They were designed for close quarters work. Doesn't mean a pup can't shoot good at longer ranges, but overall a traditional rifle is better suited for longer range shooting.
Bullpups were designed for close quarters work, however the main purpose was so that the barrel length could remain the same to retain accuracy. weight and balance are the main things that differ between conventional rifles and bullpups. with open sights bullpups will be less accurate due to a smaller sight radius.

And comparing a marauder to any of the rifles in the topic is really hard to do. The marauder is an outstanding rifle for what it is, and it can hold its own against these pups in accuracy, but we're trying to compare a Ferrari to a Mustang. 
So far some very excellent comparisons! Great view points! Thanks guys. 
In response to those who point out this is not a fair comparison, I fully agree. ( I started the string)
It was not meant to be a comparison of a $500 Marauder to a $1200 - $2000 dollar bullpup from an economic point of view. Rather, an accuracy comparison, just your personal experience comparison, between bullpups and a very popular Marauder .25. It is meant to take a decent gun that most have had or have experience with and compare it to the bullpups that they may not have had the experience with yet. Not really expecting a "this is better" review, but rather your personal thoughts and considerations when you shoot your Marauder vs your bullpup. Might be things like how it feels when shouldered, trigger pull, ease of aiming, use of bags on benches, free hand, accuracy, shot counts, noise, ease of getting in and out of the truck, etc....Maybe what you like about both, or what you don't like, just your thoughts. So keep em coming this is great! Thanks to all!
I shot my .25 Mrod for years,and it never let me down ,I mainly hunt / pest with my air guns ,I have the HDD installed and it has increased my shot count to 24 full power shots, I have shot pests out to 115 yds with it and would have no problem shooting beyond that range ,the biggest draw back that lead my to buy the .25 Wildcat was the overall size and weight ,just got very heavy lugging it thur the woods,but it is a solid gun for the money,if you never picked up a $1200 gun and squeezed the trigger and put some lead down range you would be happy with the Mrod,but once you own a higher end gun it's tough to go back, I must admit I have barely shot my Mrod since the Wildcat showed up,but I can't bring myself to sell it,just my 2 cents
I have had marauder 177 and 25 cal and currently own a wildcat in 25. 177 is noticeably quieter probably the quietest pcp made stock. Both 177 and 25 would shoot quarter size groups out of the box at 50yrds but groups opened up drastically at 100. Wildcat is a factory Moa gun. The 25 mrod and 25 wildcat are very close on loudness but they sound different too, mrod has a ping sound to it. Another member on here knows the tricks to making the mrod compete with the higher end guns but work usually needs to be done. My biggest problem with the mrod which pushed me into the bull pups was the mrod is too damn big imho. It's like aiming a phone pole, I absolutely hate the stock on the disco but a stock in between the two would have been a home run I think.