N/A Compressor question

There are also Hand Pumps that will charge a gun. However, best left for guns that operate at sub 3k psi and with smaller onboard reservoir.
Most of us hardcore guys use a compressor to fill a tank, and then use the tank to fill our guns. This allows us quite a bit of freedom away from the compressor and is far cheaper in the long run than running to a scuba/paintball shop to have them refill your tank.

Cool. Thank you for the info.
I was thinking cheapy Amazon compressor to start with. Tank would be real nice out in the field or at a range.
Just to note, the multiple labelled rectangular box water-less, oil-less, high-speed fan cooled, tri-power compressors are good for 20-25 hours, or year to year and a half, rebuilding rarely successful. GX-CS series are geared lower, generating less compressor-killing heat, members report positively. Crankcase oil, fan and water-cooled Yong Heng also reported favorably by members. WM
Tha GX series have an excellent, robust design cuz it separates the high pressure and low pressure sections of the compressor and has separate cooling fans for each, which keeps the system cool, the enemy of “wear”. It also has roller bearings and a slower fill process. It is also very easy to service. Waaaayyyy better than the earlier cheap compressors.
It is used to fill the gun, directly, rather than a tank, thus the need for good moisture control with a separator.
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I can see how a tank would be more convenient. A compressor would work well for shooting in the backyard or close to power.
I think I can find places to fill a tank easily, just seems like you can rack up a bill if you visit them frequently. Oh well, having fun costs money! This hobby ain't cheap. But firearm ammo is expensive and limited places to shoot, so this keeps the trigger finger itch under control.

I appreciate all the reply's!!!
I can see how a tank would be more convenient. A compressor would work well for shooting in the backyard or close to power.
I think I can find places to fill a tank easily, just seems like you can rack up a bill if you visit them frequently. Oh well, having fun costs money! This hobby ain't cheap. But firearm ammo is expensive and limited places to shoot, so this keeps the trigger finger itch under control.

I appreciate all the reply's!!!
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), what firefighters use, are preferred over SCUBA tanks as lighter and holding higher pressures. Both need to be within lifetime and pressure test expirations for outside vendors to fill. Owners of personal HPA compressors fill at own discretion. Fortunate with backyard 66-yard range so Yong Heng garage setup ideal, YH easily fills SCBA tanks so option for "away" missions is also on the table. WM
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If you do decide to go with a cheap Amazon compressor, you can probably extend the life a bit by keeping the runtimes short and letting it cool. Really, that goes for any compressor or even a hand pump. Usually, it's not too much of an issue if you're just topping off your gun, but if you're filling from empty or filling a tank, it's something to be aware of.
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I bought an inexpensive Vevor. I also bought a large multi element oil / water seperator.
I Keep an external fan on the unit and never let pump temp hit past 45 … i run the onboard fan before and after pump is on….
I just top off my rifles directly and so far it’s been a great experience.
I also have a great white tank set up from Joe Brancato ..and a couple FX hand pumps as well … jic

Heat is the enemy of everything biomechanical
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I hand pumped my Prod which can only be filled to 3000 psi and only holds 66cc of air. Wasn't bad. But then I got an Avenger and got a Yong Heng. Later I got a used (expired) fireman's 45 minute bottle and a fill set.

My only caveat with respect to filling a gun directly is if it uses a fill probe. I love my P35s but they fill from a probe, not a foster fitting, and the probe likes to leak. I tried filling once with a leaking probe and it was not filling, even using my Yong Heng. With a little 12V capable compresser (or a hand pump) it would take even less leakage to defeat the pump. I can fill from my bottle regardless but I waste air and cannot get to as high a pressure if the probe is leaking. My Caiman does not do this at all but it is a much more expensive airgun. My Avenger and Prod were not expensive and don't do this but they don't use a probe. So it may depend on the gun whether you can easily and always fill from one of the smaller compressers.
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If you have a convenient fill location for a tank, I would suggest you go with the tank. Then if you feel the need get a good compressor. Do your homework before you buy. There are decent lower cost compressors and some that are close to $1,000 that I would never own again.
I finally bit the bullet and got a Daystate/Coltri. It was not cheap but should last a long long time with proper care.
When I got my first PCP over twenty years ago you had to get a tank (or hand pump). 4500psi carbon tanks really weren’t around yet. You went to a scuba shop and got the tank filled. If we had had all these smaller pumps that filled the rifle directly like we do now I would have never bought a tank.
I actually had a carbon fiber tank way back in the day. They worked really well back then too, because the guns only operated at around 3000 max and being unregulated the sweet spot for a fill was usually 2700 or less. The problem was getting the tanks filled and hydroed. The dive shops just didn't fill much above 3800 and not all hydro facilities could certify them. The other issue was cost. My tank cost me something like $600 back in the late 90's and expired SCBA tanks just weren't an option.
Just to note, the multiple labelled rectangular box water-less, oil-less, high-speed fan cooled, tri-power compressors are good for 20-25 hours, or year to year and a half, rebuilding rarely successful. GX-CS series are geared lower, generating less compressor-killing heat, members report positively. Crankcase oil, fan and water-cooled Yong Heng also reported favorably by members. WM
i bought one of those rectangular box compressors and i’ve successfully rebuilt it after reporting to amazon as a faulty item. amazon sent me a replacement without having to return the one i rebuilt. now i have two. my rebuilt one is running flawlessly. initial issue was a pinched piston carbon infused gasket seal.. just replaced it with a yong heng piston gasket seal.