Confused on 2 models:Diana P-five and Snowpeak SP500

Hello, so I saw This pistol Diana P-five, it is Identical in terms of look and specified performance to a Chinese Pistol called Snowpeak/Artemis SP500, I wanna know if Diana P-five is either Rebranded SP500 or if SP500 is just a copy of Diana, I heard that Diana Started manufacturing their budget guns in China so first one does seem feasible, in Georgia it's near Impossible to find a Diana gun and it's probably also more expensive than the Chinese branded one, I'm wondering if it's worth to search for a Diana and add money for it over SP500, I found SP500 for under 45 USD too. Thanks 
Lots of Diana's and Artemis guns are just rebranded snow peak. I have two myself. A bandit and a pp800. Identical and interchangeable. I bought one with a synthetic rifle stock that converts to pistol with one thumb screw. But it will go on either gun. Different calibers, though, so there are caliber specific parts... 


Ah yeah I see a lot of Diana looking guns sold as Snowpeaks, I often see a gun looking identical to yours called Snowpeak CP1M but it runs on CO2, it's like a Budget version of yours I think. Overall I only once saw a Diana rifle in Georgia and even then it was probably a Snowpeak lol. It kinda sucks Diana Started manufacturing it's guns in China and some said that Quality fell quite a lot, I wish Snowpeak at least made Diana 240 or 34 lol those are my Favourite air rifles by far, never even seen one but love it's look 
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Gonna be honest; hearing about an economy Chinese spring-piston pistol... I threw-up a little in my mouth!

But like a moth to a flame, albeit with barf-bag at the ready, I couldn't resist Googling Snowpeak SP500. Lo and behold, what I see is the best-looking spring-piston pistol ever! 


Admittedly, little to nothing can be discerned about quality or performance from an image; but it might be worth more than 45 bucks just to own a good-looking spring-piston pistol. 

And as usual, just reading the specs on any Chinese manufacturer's website provides entertainment value beyond the (Google effort) price of admission. To quote- "Life- 5000". ROFLMAO!

So strange that in the looooong history of spring-piston pistol manufacturing, it's taken an Asian manufacturer to prove they don't have to goofy-looking; much less BUTT-UGLY!  
Bit of a thread resurrection, and I have @marflow 777 to thank/blame for this, but I am now the (proud?) owner of a Snowpeak SP500.


Only received it late yesterday and not had chance to shoot it yet, but having seen the trigger modifications suggested by Mike, and having the opportunity to pick one up cheaply, I could not resist. 😁
Seems to be well made, so looking forward to putting some lead through it - once the trigger is sorted...
Ah thanks mate, I was going to search for and pay like double the price just to have Diana name thinking it would be higher quality. Similar thing happened to me with Ruger Blackhawk lol I thought it would either be made by Umarex or Ruger but turned out to be Chinese rebrand
That's how Diana does it here in the USA.