EDgun Considering a new purchase of Edgun Leishy2 350mm .22cal- please share your experience with the gun!

hi guys

i am on a shopping spree :eek:

haven't gotten my newly bought dreamlite .30cal delivered yet but already thinking of getting a second airgun and what a gun that is- the lovely edgun leashy2 .22cal with 350mm barrel--

please share your thoughts on the gun if you have it or not..

please compare to my new dreamlite and tell me if i made a poor choice with the fx and if the edgun is better and why?

even if i get the edgun thanks to your input- i will still keep the dreamlite because of the large .30cal... the edgun is more for small game (birds) and plinking but also the semi auto makes me wet.. and the design.. and precision from short barrel.. and the looks,,,

ok- i need to shut it.. just let me know your thoughts on that purchase


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Amazing guns. Excellent for pellets. If you want a slugger , go huben, if you want a pellet gun go L2 for sure. Trigger is like a 2 stage AR, not match like,but kind of punch it like an AR.
Dreamlite is an excellent purchase as well, a Leishy 2 is the only thing i would get rid of my Impact M3 for.
Amazing guns. Excellent for pellets. If you want a slugger , go huben, if you want a pellet gun go L2 for sure. Trigger is like a 2 stage AR, not match like,but kind of punch it like an AR.
Dreamlite is an excellent purchase as well, a Leishy 2 is the only thing i would get rid of my Impact M3 for.
huben just doesn't look good, awful.. but the L2 is growing on me..

the problem is- only 1 dealer in Germany has them certified (and lowered to 5.5fpe :cry:) and does not offer the export parts (as we call it here) like for example the dreamlite does (which is why i bought the fx- because i can open it back to 100fpe).. but not the L2--

and now i don't know what i would have to change to get it back to 54fpe.. and the dealer will not tell what has been changed to limit the gun..

so i am not buying unless i know how to bring it back to full potential
Exactly what I have. I can't comment on FX as never owned one. Huben had more things that I didn't like, but a hoot to fire off that mag as fast as one can! I'm a compact guy and this is what floats my boat (finally):

View attachment 526074
ohh.. now you make it painful for me :ROFLMAO: it is beyond beautiful- what a gun!

check this out- i just got an email back from the dealer and he says that in order to open the leishy2 back to original 54fpe all i have to do is turn the regulator all the way up AND drill a bigger hole in a "puck"

what the heck is a puck? not sure he called it by its german or english name but maybe you will know what a puck is..

and then when i need to bring it down all i do is put in a smaller limited puck just like it was in the first place when it was limited to 5.5fpe-

i guess a puck is that red rubber (or plastic-cant tell from the photos) valve that sits behind the pellet magazine?

i just found more info so please correct me if I'm wrong-

a puck is a transfer port and that's what he means i should drill bigger (or just buy a bigger one)

a power jet is a nozzle which limits air in the plenum to keep the valve open longer or shorter but that's not what i should drill right?

check out the pics




@grzech2005 I don't understand why you'd want an F-version and then turn it up. You could as well get a regular version then. But drilling the puck is easy, or you can just by a bigger one, it's cheap. Turning the reg is not complicated either.

I have a 350mm .22, and a 450mm .25. I love to shoot with the guns, they are a lot of fun. Also very accurate, at least in my .25 version. The .22 is a lot more finicky (at least mine is). I'm still trying to find out what's the reason. But you can tune and change anything you like if that's your cup of tea. Mine tends to be more accurate with higher power (smaller power jets, and higher regulator).
But for the fun factor: it's the gun I currently shoot most. I always puts a smile on your face!
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@grzech2005 I don't understand why you'd want an F-version and then turn it up. You could as well get a regular version then. But drilling the puck is easy, or you can just by a bigger one, it's cheap. Turning the reg is not complicated either.

I have a 350mm .22, and a 450mm .25. I love to shoot with the guns, they are a lot of fun. Also very accurate, at least in my .25 version. The .22 is a lot more finicky (at least mine is). I'm still trying to find out what's the reason. But you can tune and change anything you like if that's your cup of tea. Mine tends to be more accurate with higher power (smaller power jets, and higher regulator).
But for the fun factor: it's the gun I currently shoot most. I always puts a smile on your face!
i need to get an F-version because here, in germany only f-version can be sold to someone without weapon permit..

funny thing is i do have a weapon permit for my glock35 but i will never get this high power L2 entered into my permit because there is no discipline in any shooting club offered for an open version airgun..

so- i need to get an F-version and swap the puck when i am in holland (there are no limits on airguns) to shoot it there on high power but when i drive back to germany i need to swap back the smaller puck

and for german police only one thing matters- the "F" sign on the airgun engraved into it- without the F sign on the gun it means its not an "F" airgun which makes it a weapon and that means owning a real weapon with a permit and that means criminal offence and maybe time or huge fine, lawyers fees, and,and,and..

-since you have a .22 which i want (so far only .22 and .177 are certified for germany according to the dealer) can you tell me where the puck sits and how easy or hard is it to swap it?

-where sits the power jet?

-why is the 350mm longer then the 250mm version when all i see is the same gun length and only the moderator is 10cm longer?
does the suppressor length accounts toward the barrel length or is there a barrel inside the moderator?
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Ok I see why you'd still want the F-version. Airgun restrictions can be a pain indeed.

But to answer your questions:
- changing the puck is really easy (a 3 sec job) as it's externally accessible in the rear part.
- the power jets are inside the valve. They are easily accessible, but you need to degass and open the tube. Very easy to do, except it's a bit a pain wen you need to degass the gun.
- the length (250 or 350mm) is only referring to the barrel length. The actual gun can be longer when you use a moderator (or a shroud with internal moderator). You find the specs here: https://www.edgun.shop/pages/tech-specs-leshiy-2
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Ok I see why you'd still want the F-version. Airgun restrictions can be a pain indeed.

But to answer your questions:
- changing the puck is really easy (a 3 sec job) as it's externally accessible in the rear part.
- the power jets are inside the valve. They are easily accessible, but you need to degass and open the tube. Very easy to do, except it's a bit a pain wen you need to degass the gun.
- the length (250 or 350mm) is only referring to the barrel length. The actual gun can be longer when you use a moderator (or a shroud with internal moderator). You find the specs here: https://www.edgun.shop/pages/tech-specs-leshiy-2
thank you for the info

so it should not be a problem bringing my limited gun back to its original power just with the drilling of the 5.5fpe puck (the one that is inside now, the restricted german version puck) or buying original one in open power version-

-do you know which puck size that would be for the .22 cal L2?
-should i play with the power jets, have you done it with yours to change power output and which did you buy or change?
-you say the 250mm and 350mm refer to the barrel and i thought so too but when i look at the pictures from 250 vs 350 they gun itself looks exactly the same length (they barrels) and only the suppressor is longer or at least that's how i perceive it.. how is it really?
Ok I see why you'd still want the F-version. Airgun restrictions can be a pain indeed.

But to answer your questions:
- changing the puck is really easy (a 3 sec job) as it's externally accessible in the rear part.
- the power jets are inside the valve. They are easily accessible, but you need to degass and open the tube. Very easy to do, except it's a bit a pain wen you need to degass the gun.
- the length (250 or 350mm) is only referring to the barrel length. The actual gun can be longer when you use a moderator (or a shroud with internal moderator). You find the specs here: https://www.edgun.shop/pages/tech-specs-leshiy-2
Yeap, just as airman_o says. I would have been fine with a 250mm as well. I picked up a 250mm shroud but a barrel deal has been elusive for me.

I'm aware of the pucks and jets, but no need to tinker. My L2 was purchased used in a round-about manner from an AN forum member through a trade-in to a vendor. So it was sorted and ready to go out of the box with no hiccups.
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thank you for the info

so it should not be a problem bringing my limited gun back to its original power just with the drilling of the 5.5fpe puck (the one that is inside now, the restricted german version puck) or buying original one in open power version-

-do you know which puck size that would be for the .22 cal L2?
-should i play with the power jets, have you done it with yours to change power output and which did you buy or change?
-you say the 250mm and 350mm refer to the barrel and i thought so too but when i look at the pictures from 250 vs 350 they gun itself looks exactly the same length (they barrels) and only the suppressor is longer or at least that's how i perceive it.. how is it really?

you can indeed always revert the power levels. However, you cannot undo your drilling. So you’d need a second larger one next to the small puck. So you can change. There’s just one regular size, the biggest one. This is what you need to shoot without restrictions.
I have played with my jets, but it depends on the projectiles you’d like to shoot and at what speed. I’m currently at 2x 0.4, but also because I shoot in .25 as well. For .22 the 0,7 or 0,8 jets are recommended. My advise: buy the complete set of jets, so you can experiment.
I don’t have the shroud with integrated moderator, so I cannot say. But I would be surprised if the longer one isn’t longer ;-) . I’m sure you can find the specs online somewhere.
I have a 350mm .22 L2 and love it! I have not tuned mine *at all* and it shoots very well. Noise is subjective, but it's actually pretty quiet - much quieter than my 250mm .25 L2. I'm sure some massive addition would make it quieter, but that would kind of defeat the purpose, imo. It's a blast to shoot. The L2's are the most fun of any of my airguns. The hardest part is finding an appropriate scope...

ok.. i am still confused..

the 350mm model has a longer barrel then the 250mm model? and same size moderator i would think

or the 350/250mm have same barrel length but the 350mm has moderator which is 10cm longer then 250mm model has? but that would defeat the purpose of having longer barrel if both had the same barrel but only the cans were longer..
You’re making it too difficult for yourself ;-) 250 en 350mm is the barrel length. You see that in de difference of both shroud pictures: difference is exactly 4 inches or 10cm, which is the difference in barrel length. The moderator is the same for both shrouds.
You’re making it too difficult for yourself ;-) 250 en 350mm is the barrel length. You see that in de difference of both shroud pictures: difference is exactly 4 inches or 10cm, which is the difference in barrel length. The moderator is the same for both shrouds.
wait a second! the 2 pictures from ChickenDumpling are the barrels??

i thought these are moderators (suppressors- like donnyfl and such)

so those 2 black oval tubes next to the measuring tape are the barrels with shrouds?
Just the shrouds and they have an internal moderator. The barrels and the moderators are different lengths. You can run the 350 moderator on the 250 barrel. The moderator, shroud, silencer (I use these interchangeably) are in an-all-in-one deal that goes over the respective barrel. While I still have two leshiys ... one in .22 and one in .30, I don't want to disassemble to make this more clear for you. But yes, you are over thinking this. Short barrel, short moderator. Long barrel, long moderator. Short barrel can use the longer moderator too.

Recommend you go to youtube and watch some of the videos ... they'll go through various configurations / disassembly. ;)
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