It's not ego stroking, it is marksmanship. No way is shooting a weapon with even mild recoil helping the shooter become better. An ability to learn breath control, trigger control and site picture isn't mastered in reverse order.If the same hubris and bias displayed here are not tempered while “attempting to educate pb shooters”, then I am hardly shocked that they are not lining up to join the sport.
While I would never discourage a person from getting practice and repetition behind an airgun trigger, I believe shooting pbs is far better practice for airgunning than the inverse. Poor form, lack of breath control, lack of trigger control, lack of recoil control, and not understanding natural point of aim just to name a few can be ignored to a much higher degree with an airgun. There’s a joke from a comedian that goes, “I play the guitar. I taught myself how to play the guitar, which was a bad decision… because I didn’t know how to play it, so I was a $h!tty teacher. I would never have went to me.” Someone who has a rigid understanding of shooting discipline could certainly use air as a good practice medium, but in parallel with that quote, bad practice does not make a good shooter.
Everyone I have shown the capability of airguns to has approached the subject with curiousity and respect. Some are off-put by the peripherals associated with PCPs. Some are unbothered by the cost of ammunition, so airguns offer no benefit in that regard. Some are quite old school and disinterested in purchasing anything they cannot see, feel and handle first. Some have their own land where they can shoot any pb they want at any time. Some mostly show up to the range as a social function, and could give a hoot if they even pull the trigger. Some have a bucket list of collectible guns, and airguns don’t make the cut. Some fail to see it as a companion hobby, and do not want- or have the means or support- to add a “new” hobby. I would proffer that some don’t have an audience to indulge their purchase. Whereas picking up an old Winchester model 94 will get some oohs and aahs at the line, having to explain what an MK4 is and why it’s neat just doesn’t have the same appeal. Regardless the reason, I respect their choices and decisions. Sorry to have to say it, but growth of the sport is not going to be helped by personal ego stroking.
Arrogance and ignorance is
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