Corbin vs Presslug

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@ZekeZX10 I believe this has been discussed and information answering your question is already posted on the forums.
See post #38
Read the whole thread, didn't answer the question. Never saw a comparison between the 2 addressed on the thread other than price. How tight are tolerances, what is the average weight spread when making slugs, which makes more precise and consistent slugs (weight wise).
Read the whole thread, didn't answer the question. Never saw a comparison between the 2 addressed on the thread other than price. How tight are tolerances, what is the average weight spread when making slugs, which makes more precise and consistent slugs (weight wise).
Has anyone used both these presses and can offer any insight/comparison?
@ZeekeZx10 I read the same thread multiple times. The single response that I referred you to addressed more than the price. That is very obvious. Contrary to your other statement, your initial question was very vague. I thought that the post satisfied your question when asking about "any insight." Good luck in your search. There is more info posted elsewhere. In other threads I believe that it is referred to as an "Airforce Slug Press."
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Edit: I was informed that the die in the video below is not a die made by GMI. It may be a Presslug product. The video does show how a Presslug setup looks and operates though.

Here is how the GMI/Arbor press setup looks. I thought it might interest you as a more affordable option to swage slugs.

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@ZekeZX10 I was contacted by the owner of GMI and informed that the die used in the first video I initially posted was not a die made by GMI. After learning this I edited the description in the post.
I'm waiting for them to see if they can custom size dies. I have an AGT Vulcan 3 but shoots .3063 caliber slugs...only ones I have found are so would be nice to be able to make my own
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I bought the Presslug press with .25cal. dies that state .249 diameter from PA.. They are coming out at .249 so far which is great. I bought a spare set of .22 cal. dies from Air Force airguns and the order blank just says.22 cal dies. I looked at the description of the spare .22 dies and it only says .217 diameter. I received them today and started to try them out. The slugs were coming out at .215.3 diameter on 2 different micrometers. When I checked out the dies closer they said 5.49MM and .216 diameter. Does Presslug make different sized dies for .22cal. I have not seen different sizes offered for sale so be careful if you are ordering the .22cal. Presslug. Mine are almost dropping almost .002 smaller than I expected at $399. a set.
@ba49 Thanks for the heads up. You may have just saved some folks some money.
I noticed on the Air Gun Tactical site they list the size of the different Calibers and they list 3 for the .22cal .2161, .2169 and .2173 ? They don't mention anywhere that you can order different sizes either. Their order form just says .22cal. Not sure how you would order the other diameters. The other vendors don't mention different diameters for .22cal either? I know I'm not as sharp as I used to be but I'm confused here.
I noticed on the Air Gun Tactical site they list the size of the different Calibers and they list 3 for the .22cal .2161, .2169 and .2173 ? They don't mention anywhere that you can order different sizes either. Their order form just says .22cal. Not sure how you would order the other diameters. The other vendors don't mention different diameters for .22cal either? I know I'm not as sharp as I used to be but I'm confused here.
@ba49 Perhaps this is something that one needs to call and discuss with a distributor or the manufacturer before placing one’s order.
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Decided to powder coat some and see what happens. They came out at .217.3(+-) about .2mm. I tried them in a springer and a Brocock Concept in my garage range and they shot good at 30ft. Nice semi snug but not tight fit. They were a loose fit in the Huben GK1 pistol and fell out when the gun tipped back with gate open. I am going to try another coat and see if it tightens up in the GK1. Will post the size when I add another coat. These dies may work out for several different guns as easy to increase the size by powder coating.
Added a second coat of powder to the slugs today and now they are measuring right around .2185 +-.0002. They now fit my Huben GK1 really well. After 4 mag fulls not one jam and shooting around 935 fps. with slugs now weighing 22.5 gr. At 30ft. they are going in one hole. I am really pleased. Can't wait to stretch it out to 50 yds. and see how they work there.
@ZekeZX10 I was contacted by the owner of GMI and informed that the die used in the first video I initially posted was not a die made by GMI. After learning this I edited the description in the post.
@ZekeZX10 Here’s a link to the improved GMI site if you’re still interested in their swaging die setups.

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