Corbin vs Presslug

Is that a one of prototype or something that is being sold. If the later I'm curious what the price is. Most likely much more than I would be willing to pay. I like the fact the it reduces the labor by over 10x. If you can extrude your own lead wire from melted pellets you would have a complete nearly 100% recycling of your projectiles. Endless supply of ammo!
They are being produced I just received mine...was about $900 and they custom sized a die for me
If you guys are serious about swaging, go with Corbin and don't look back.

They've been in business since 1975 and are made in the USA.

Corbin slugs just won 1st and 2nd place at the Slug EBR in Ashland Oregon last weekend. That speaks volumes.

You can also take a look at my posts in the ELR section, all of my shooting is done with Corbin slugs.

Most folks don't realize that a very large portion of the commercially available slugs have been made using Corbin dies and equipment for years. You can pay less for swaging setups but you'll be sacrificing almost 50 years of Corbin experience.

Just my 2 cents and I hope it helps.
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Terrible windy day but showed some groups at a hundred yards. Definitely capable of sub moa first group was close to that and I'm just shooting off a bipod not a sled. Groups kept getting worse as the wind picked up it got ridiculous and I'm too impatient to wait for the lull in between gusts. Using Thor Press slugs, 62 grain .3063 caliber averaging 938 FPS and 120 ft lbs with a standard deviation of 4.58. put the Chrono down at 100 yards but only register two shots averaging 845 FPS and 98 ft lb. Because of the shape of these slugs compared to the AVS .3063 slugs they are shorter for the same weight so I think accuracy can get even better if I go heavier and make them longer, more contact with the rifling. Also note the first shot was higher than the rest, after I first fill the bottle the first shot or two is always higher then the rest if I would have taken a couple of shots to settle it in the shot deviation would have been tighter.


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