Corbin vs Presslug

Is the Freedom 2 available ?

Zen from Ken. 😉
Its work in progress (couple of weeks). Solid German steel, Zero Flex, Proven Mechanics, Japanese parts, Korean tooling, Taiwanese Machines, Indian Engineers, American design software, French Simulation suite, A secret British ingredient - A global product indeed :giggle:, -That's why we call it Freedom V2. @kevtan
Its work in progress (couple of weeks). Solid German steel, Zero Flex, Proven Mechanics, Japanese parts, Korean tooling, Taiwanese Machines, Indian Engineers, American design software, French Simulation suite, A secret British ingredient - A global product indeed :giggle:, -That's why we call it Freedom V2. @kevtan
Definitely looking forward to this 😁👍
These things aren't cheap. How many rounds would you have to shoot, for it to pay for itself? Ballpark Guesstimate?
Sometimes it isn't about the cost, it is about independence.

Risky yes, especially if you change barrel etc. more dies potentially needed.

In the grand scheme of things, they are about the same price as a decent holiday.
Personal choice etc.
I think the most appeal comes from companies producing dies that can be used with various presses. The company or companies that can make a die set that can be used on various presses is going to have the upper hand here so long as they can produce projectiles of comparable quality to the proprietary sets that are incompatible with other presses. I would think that a press made of poor materials would wear out faster than a die’s lifespan. Many “at-home” swagers will have multiple die sets, but how many will own multiple presses simultaneously?
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I think the most appeal comes from companies producing dies that can be used with various presses. The company or companies that can make a die set that can be used on various presses is going to have the upper hand here so long as they can produce projectiles of comparable quality to the proprietary sets that are incompatible with other presses. I would think that a press made of poor materials would wear out faster than a die’s lifespan. Many “at-home” swagers will have multiple die sets, but how many will own multiple presses simultaneously?
There is a limitation in doing so, Primarily its the IP rights and second is the geometry of the parts, The datum for every press is different. While working at FX Sweden, I had hands on each and every single equipment out there but yet we decided to build our own dies and machine systems. Its because of the complications arising from upper and lower limits. One thing that we did was incorporate depth adjustment inside the pin holder to compensate for various depths of hollow point. but the same depth adjustment was out of its operational range in other presses of different makes.

Yes, Poor materials fail faster than dies, I've seen it. Thus the first thing we did was shoot mails to all vendors asking them 2 questions.

1. Do you have your parts made as per ISO standards, so that anyone anywhere in the world can order them to get them replaced if need be?
2. Can it run a minimum of million cycles on very high duty cycles?

What I've seen is that Slug makers using manual machines have at least 2 presses of same kind. And the dies are always in pairs. so that they can run sequential production.
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There is a limitation in doing so, Primarily its the IP rights and second is the geometry of the parts…we decided to build our own dies and machine systems. Its because of the complications arising from upper and lower limits. One thing that we did was incorporate depth adjustment inside the pin holder to compensate for various depths of hollow point. but the same depth adjustment was out of its operational range in other presses of different makes.

Yes, Poor materials fail faster than dies, I've seen it…

What I've seen is that Slug makers using manual machines have at least 2 presses of same kind. And the dies are always in pairs. so that they can run sequential production.

@Engg.Ken I can appreciate the amount of thought that went into your product before production. What do you mean by “the dies are always in pairs. So they can run sequential production?” For people making commercial projectiles this is understandable. For the average type of hobbyist that I interact with it seems that would be overkill to own two of the same type of swaging presses. And why buy does in pairs? In regards to my previous post, your dies work in two presses that I am aware of. That places your company ahead of the curve in my opinion.
What happened to ThorMolds?

如果你们真的想签约,那就选择 Corbin 吧,不要回头。

他们从 1975 年开始营业,并且产品产自美国。

上周末,Corbin slugs 在俄勒冈州阿什兰的 Slug EBR 比赛中分别获得第一名和第二名。这说明了很多问题。

您还可以查看我在 ELR 部分的帖子,我所有的射击都是用 Corbin 子弹完成的。

大多数人没有意识到,多年来,市场上很大一部分的块状物都是使用 Corbin 模具和设备制造的。您可以花更少的钱购买模锻装置,但您将牺牲近 50 年的 Corbin 经验。

The Presslug and Corbin dies are not compatible. Corbin cost more but have way more options on how to make the slug. I have both and haven't touched my Presslug since I got my Corbin. Thats not saying the Pressslug isn't great, it is, but I have been shooting boattail slugs and the Presslugs can't make them.
Yes out of airguns. Any gun that will feed them and shoot them well I use them. Better BC than the dish shape.
I am not sure if "any" airgun can shoot a boat tail slug accurately. Its because the seal that you expect in the barrel is tough to achieve in airguns, whereas in firearms the BT section is seated inside the cartridge. Thus I have been vocal about the seating depth of an airgun slug that is essential in getting consistency. This is the primary reason why manufacturers who are jumping in onto the boat tail slug wagon are yet to release their long range slugs because no one gives a thought to the engineering aspects of the barrel, The results will be dud from gun to gun.
I'm going to disagree. I'm shooting Corbins RBT with great results. Not night and day difference vs the dish base, but a little better. They are also easier to push down the barrel. Seating into the leade can be controlled by the weight and by what probe you are using, so i don't see a problem there. So far, I'm liking the 35.5gr, stated high with 36.5gr.
Some guns don't like boat tail shaped slugs. I just got a Vulcan 3 HP and the BT slugs I made so far for it, it does not shoot well. I also have many airguns that shoot them as well or better than flat base or dished base slugs. It depends on the gun, barrel and the chamber in it. And as said by Ta-Ta many people have had great results using the Altaros slugs. Most of my airguns shoot them great, just stay in the 860-900 fps range for them.