Corbin X-Punch results

Had things packed up and ready to go... but then went fishing and caught quite a bit. Then today I was planning on it again but the kids wanted to go on a bike ride, which then led to my son catching a stick in his back wheel ripping it up and shearing off the derailer! So after looking at parts to repair, it was cheaper to buy him a used bike from the local shop. Now I am exhausted, sweaty and ready for a few drinks!

Will get things packed up and will attempt to go out tomorrow and see what I can find.
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No he didn't get hurt. He was able to stop on the trail before anything happened to him. Messed up his bike though. So he got a new bike today Good thing I had a bunch of overtime this last pay period!

Planning on shooting with NDwind tomorrow to see how the boat tail slugs shoot
Ok Woogieman started the thread but the dies are mine so here are the pics. the X punch adds a step to making the slugs because you have to form the core with X punch then run through the point form die wich closes the core to the HP. that closes the segments but they dont fuse together. guessing here but probably due too the Corbin swage lube on the core. 30 grain slugs cost .03 cents each for lead. Pretty cheap shooting not figureing my time. What else does an old retired guy do in Winter in North Dakota!
You would have to ask Corbin for 100% fact particulars but I believe this slug was developed to minimize or eliminate pass through when pesting! we will have to shoot some starlings or something to see if we get pass through but it sure raises Hell on clay!:ROFLMAO:
I wipe my dies and punches with Ballistol before putting away. I wipe with a clean dry cloth before using again and wipe a touch of Corbin swage lube over them before swaging again. I store my punches in clear vinyl tubing to protect the fine machined polished edges.
Any other questions just ask ill help where I can.

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Is that how the dies etc. come marked from Corbin? If so, that's kinda disappointing. I would expect at least lazer engraved.