Costly mistake in buying a pcp rifle

A dealer ought to be able to repair the product that He sells. Not just sell the Rifle but stand behind it when it needs repair. Don't "Just take the Money and Run".
Or at least have a warning that certain brands that they sell will not be repaired. JMO
I think the manufactures should be responsible, and some are , at least for parts , but that would up the cost as a new product . And think about inventory , do they keep parts inventory for one year warrenty or do they keep parts for 3 or 5 or 10 years ?
Just so you know:
AEA's warranty becomes VOID if a consumer finds a O-Ring at his local hardware store, and installs it in a new rifle that is under warranty.
Here are their words exactly:

The warranty will not be valid if:
  • IF parts that are not original have been incorporated.
I don’t think they’d do that.
That’s seems sleezeballish for an o ring.
However I’ve been surprised before …

I’d bring my car back but if it was something.real simple and the dealership was a good ways away … I might fix it and save my time.
( we are talkin.equivalent to an oring repair )
To be honest, I really like the looks of the Challenger Pro. I spent about an hour watching Videos on FoxAirpower I must say that the .25 producing 100+FPE was quite impressive. Most of the older Videos showed a 2 1/2 -3lb Trigger pull, he showed 1.5 on the one He had. The 2 year new warranty is better. But the horror stories have kept Me away.
The base line Challenger series makes monster power too. I have a 22Cal and a 25Cal both with the factory regulator option that shoot single digit ES. Even the 22Cal version makes a ton of FPE, I had to turn it way down to keep under the sound barrier. I really should spend some time with them and get some tunes dialed in. The bullpup version is the best thing AEA sells I think.
U{DATE: In the last 24 hours i have been in contact with both Utah Air Guns and the Pellet shop. Perry at Utah was able to contact the Pellet Shop in my behalf. I had a detailed conversation with them regarding the problem of parts. I found that AEA recently changed the design of the forward o ring area and the parts are not the same. During our discussion of the guns problem the Pellet shop guy concluded that it is probably not the O ring at all. He believes the regulator failed and rather than him send me o rings he asked me to go ahead and send him the gun and he will fix whatever it needs. I would like to mention that the people who work at Utah, and the Pellet shop, have always seemed to seriously want to get mhy gun repaired, This whole design change obviously created confusion.
I have shot much more than the average shooter over the years. I have several guns and shoot hundreds of rounds each week. Shooting is just my thing. But, as I initially mentioned I am fairly new to PCP guns. I bought my first one last fall. It is an Umerx Notos which I promptly ran 2 or 3 thousand rounds through. I loved it, so in Jan. of this year bought the AEA Challenger Pro. as advertised it has massive power, a pretty good trigger, and smooth operation. At 8 lbs. I do find it a bit heavy. Last month I purchased a FX Dream and run just short of 1000 rounds through it so far. This gun is really impressive in accuracy and function and is for sure a keeper. The shortcoming of it for my use is that it does not nearly have the power of the AEA gun but up to 50 to 60 yards is amazing. I tell you all of this to say that the $250 notos is the most accurate gun I own or ever shot. I shoot with several friends and uniformly they amazed after firing my guns and agree the little notos is amazing. You get what you pay for is generally true, but, there are some jems out there that you can run across from time to time.
There is a recent post about an oring supplier. You just scan it with an app and your phone measures it. You specify the material you want and they make it for a few cents.

I don't know how to link it. But it was a post today.

Lots of distributors sell orings. They use them in countless applications. A quick Internet search will get you some. ACE hardware would be where I looked first.
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Since you already know how to change the O-ring, you only need the right size.

If you do not know the size, you can measure the diameter of the bottom of the grove ( presuming the O-ring fits outside the part), and the with of the grove. You have then roughly the the two measurements you need, inner diameter, and with.
Then buy a couple with a litle difference in with, and see how they fit.
Just be carefull not using calipers wich can scratch the surface of the O-ring grove
I have an Aselkon Ravello RX6 in 22 cal. That has started leaking. And even though the pressure will hold for my day of hunting it just bugs me that it won’t hold pressure. I have scoured the internet for orings and got a bunch which are mostly the wrong size. I think it’s leaking from the regulator and so far I haven’t had any luck getting the reg out of the tube.
So I know how frustrating it can be. So I decided to look for a new gun. I did a bunch of research and called Utah Airguns and talked to them about which ones they repair. There were only 3 that they worked on , one of which is FX. So I was thinking of a RAW at first since they are made in good ole USA and not Turkey like the Aselkon. So after weight was considered I decided on an FX since I had used a buddys one quite a bit. I got the FX Impact M3. 30 cal. 600mm and am quite pleased with it so far. It’s very accurate and came tuned for jsb 44.? Pellets.
Anyway Hope you get help with your gun.
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