Coyote 50y .25 Bobcat


Great shooting!


Those creatures need to be wiped out. They end up eating all the rabbits, fawns, and baby geese then get hungry and what happened in Illinois starts occurring. Watch the video of the 5 year old girl getting stalked and attacked, after watching it I think you will have a different outlook. All air-gunners have a moral obligation to put as much lead into those things as they can. Even if they don't die, they will stay away from humans after that bad encounter. 
I think Vinny's fear was more founded in the fact that not only are our 2nd Amendment rights under constant assault so are our 1st Amendment rights. I can understand why he would feel some Bunny Hugger would need some new Depends after witnessing a less than perfect result. But he falls right into their trap by thinking that self censoring ourselves to avoid conflict, will appease them. They will never be satisfied until we are all disarmed, eating Beyond Burgers and just as miserable as they are. 

I think Vinny's fear was more founded in the fact that not only are our 2nd Amendment rights under constant assault so are our 1st Amendment rights. I can understand why he would feel some Bunny Hugger would need some new Depends after witnessing a less than perfect result. But he falls right into their trap by thinking that self censoring ourselves to avoid conflict, will appease them. They will never be satisfied until we are all disarmed, eating Beyond Burgers and just as miserable as they are. 

This. And censoring is never the way to freedom.
We will add this red fox at 50y same gun. Waited up most of the night for another coyote but took the fox instead. Had the kill on video but snapped my micro SD card in half loading it.