Coyote den gun?

I would go with a Huben K1 in .25. I think the extra power and accuracy are worth the extra cost unless you already have the other 2. I own all 3 and after the K1 I would go with the GK1, then the Hatsan Blitz. I don't use my Blitz for pesting or hunting because I might be tempted to use full auto as the power is iffy for a one shot kill, and I don't think that is ethical for hunting. I would say the GK1 is bare minimum out to 50yrds. for an ethical kill and ammo choie is critical.
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Is the blitz really only 53 FPE in .30 caliber?
Mine is, I only use it for target shooting or maybe rats. It's a lot of fun though. I don't think it would be effective against coyotes on a steady basis. I guess perfect headshots would be fine but that would be dependent on the shooters skill.
My neighbor wants me to get rid of som coyotes who are messing with his hens. This is where I’d like some input. I can choose from a GK1 .25 or a Hatsan Blitz.30. Each has a suppressor, the yotes will probably be within 25-30 yards. What do you all think?
It should do the job.,I'm going on a road trip thinking about taking my 357 rattler
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Airgunners in general can do some excellent civic duty, and have fun doing so. We are being overrun with invasive critters large and small. Airguns are ideal especially for the smaller and more urban visitors. Heck our water district pays an employee to shoot Nutria, they are incredibly destructive. Our slough is a necessity to stay dry. I may get out with my Blitz today for Nutria.
Either of those guns will work. A neck shot will drop them instantly but I usually put another in them while there on the ground.
Head shot will work too but they typically won’t stop moving there heads.
To get one to stop for a second so you can make a good shot bark at them it won’t make them boot. They’ll freeze and look at you and wonder what was that noise.

Also coyotes don’t use dens right now, they’ll only use them when they have pups. Just an fyi.

Feel free to PM me if ya need more info on killing yotes.
At one time in my life a good many years ago, I could not shoot a coyote. Lifelong hunter and a lifetime dog person. They just looked too much like my furry kids to shoot one. :) Us old guys know stuff, thanks to more experience. Early one morning I looked out my bedroom window and watched nature play out. Coyote stalking a rabbit, he got the rabbit. I watched it kicking like mad as the coyote swallowed the rabbit whole. Tipped his head back, dislocated his mandible and down the hatch. From that day forward I had no trouble taking out coyotes....they ain't dogs! It was absolutely amazing, never saw another critter eat like that.
Either of those guns will work. A neck shot will drop them instantly but I usually put another in them while there on the ground.
Head shot will work too but they typically won’t stop moving there heads.
To get one to stop for a second so you can make a good shot bark at them it won’t make them boot. They’ll freeze and look at you and wonder what was that noise.

Also coyotes don’t use dens right now, they’ll only use them when they have pups. Just an fyi.

Feel free to PM me if ya need more info on killing yotes.
Thanks for the info @bigbuck28 I’m in and we have these things everywhere, people feed ‘em and wonder why their cats go missing. I saw the yote in question today and he’s sick with probably mange. He’s holed up at the neighbor’s house so I’m thinking I can get close with either gun. Both are silenced but the gk1 seems to be quieter than the blitz… it’s a BP. So if I use the GK1 would head shot be better than heart? I’ve killed pigs, squirrels, rats mice birds, possums, raccoons, but not a yote yet.