Coyote hunting question

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Check your laws. Im also in Ca and in my city were allowed to defend agricultural livestock from predators by any means.
Im also very open with my two neighbors on each side of me about my pellet guns and their ability to exterminate pests. They all are ok with it. Its only annoying when Im plinking around that I get a text asking what Im trying to kill.
Don't respond to those texts and they'll stop sending them. Been there.
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Most cities will provide a live trap and help, controlling problem wildlife. A few Karen's calling in crying about their cat or saying they saw a coyote acting aggressive toward people. Will get the state and possibly the feds involved. When that happens you won't see another coyote for a long long time. For a lot of reasons I would suggest that as your best course of action to take. Good luck!
There’s been more and more coyotes around my neighborhood they’ve been snatching little dogs in backyards. I have several pups as well and I want to do something about it. I’ve never shot at an animal this big before and hope you guys can give some pointers.

1. Would a .22 suffice or is a .25 required?
2. What fpe is ideal?
3. Are Jsb Diabolos sufficient?
4. What’s the best shot placement?
5. Any tips on luring them out?
6. What’s the best time to watch out for them?
Man the coyotes are wieling out where im at yesterday in the morning a fire truck passed by the whole pack was yippin so close an the apartments the neighbor said they killed a smaller dog its a little wooded around where I live I gotta tune in my .22 bullpup that thing will bring down a coyote easy when I got it tuned in with the different nsa slugs I bought.
There’s been more and more coyotes around my neighborhood they’ve been snatching little dogs in backyards. I have several pups as well and I want to do something about it. I’ve never shot at an animal this big before and hope you guys can give some pointers.

1. Would a .22 suffice or is a .25 required?
2. What fpe is ideal?
3. Are Jsb Diabolos sufficient?
4. What’s the best shot placement?
5. Any tips on luring them out?
6. What’s the best time to watch out for them?
I my self never hunted em but I got a few things in mind I might try out, I got a rabbit call from amazon those little blow in ones an I could pitch up 3 quarters up on a hill and have a vantage point down you dont wanna be up at the very top or youl draw eyes immediately as your stick out an they'll dip once they see you 3/4ths up a hill or so, Then I might play my call, I also got oneleaf night vision 2 units so I can have 1 mounted to my scope an other one I can pan for when the coyotes come in this is my nighttime plan to hunt them I guess, I dont know maybe a foxpro call might be a good move as I can play it like 75 yards away rather than on top of you, I just watch from my vantage point for em to come in, In the daytime if your hunting em I think you wanna call of some kind. I can even hunt em at night if I want to cuz I have 2 night vision units but Il see what il do I never even started tuning in all the slugs, I dont wanna shoot em in my backyard slugs are lil more dangerous even though my backstop if big an fat an I know 99.99% chance I wont shoot one missing the stop but theres that .001 if I mess up an forget to dial elevation turret or some small stupid mistake an I cant risk that bulsh there kids on the other side sometimes crossing the road up the street or whatever I cant risk it going thru the fence an flying in a suburban area an hitting some poor kid, So imma take my 3 liter tank out on make shift hidden/private range Il range test it there where only trees around. LUCKY yall who have 100 yard ranges at home.
Thanks for the quick responses gents. There are definitely at least 2 as I have seen them strolling along my street as I walk my dogs. They don’t seem particular skittish either.
Yea they spotted em on this intersection right near where im at look at that intersection plazas all around bridges we in the city not the mountains things are stepping in too close in search of food from trash or a cat or small dog if its leashed up outside or what not.!1sEUHZ7ZBO0KeNndvtY3gA_Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192