coyotes breeching the front line , Ohh no I have to set up a 30cal quick EVOL


Hi well , Its time to get serious i , I have been healing from a ankle surgery , but lately I am woken up many times during nites with howling , I let this go , then I started seeing COYOTES threw the sliding door to deck , and then neighbors pets missing , and My wife walked out with Titus for exercise she came in crying said a coyote almost got Titus The Coyote came out of brush and was charging titus ,Colleen my wife picked him up and scream it ran off ..I been seeing young ones and adults all over yard and on my deck . I decided I got to set up I wont let Titus be dinner for them . We will Fight to the Death . I cant go out to the shooting range as I am not walking yet from surgery

OK first off my coyote killer was my My R5 Ed-gun I just sold this and replaced it with a EVOL .30 Cal . I have this gun sighted in for the NSA 61,5 gr slug 100 yard zero ,with my Vortex Razor 3 1-10 .

I will need a thermal or night vision , OK Grabbed my ATN 5-50 went to mount it wont mount as it wont clear magisines , I grabbed 2 1/2 inch Pic risers and put them on my thermal , ,they are QD ok so now it can be mounted

Problem1 MY ATN 5-50 has NO profile for EVOL YET

So I needed to zero gun with out shooting , here is how I did it , with out shooting gun .

l , ok so I mounted the gun on my 2 Vets tripod , I have been running a Vortex Razor 3 1-10 Mil Mil >I have had this gun zeroed at 100 yards with NSA 61.5 gr ,

SO I had my wife put a gallon milk jug with red top out 100 yards , , I then placed my Razor at 10x and locked tripod with reticle on top of milk jug , I then removed scope , I mounted my atn thermal but , their is an issue , I cant use magazines unless I use a riser so I grabbed 2 1/2 inch risers , then mounted them to gun then thermal to riser , I went to profile and adjusted till it was on top of milk jug100 yards ,

I then undid riser with thermal 1 piece and popped on Razor to see if anything moved , Perfect , This tripod I am falling in love with but this is meant for a different thread .

I then popped on thermal again , It was still on target , I then saved settings and saved to a usb and labeled it evol 30 cal NSA 61.5 gr ,

I then shut down thermal and swapped out batteries with fresh KentLI rechargeable , and set time and date , I then topped off with air , I said ok let me verify my zero with scope and thermal , I took 1 shot at the freshly painted red 4 inch target , hit 1 inch low but centered , I then put my razor on and took 1 shot , dead center ,

OK me and Titue are ready if they try to flank us here is some Pre War pictures




here is a few pics to show you guys what the enemy is doing
Coyotes are a growing problem that’s not getting any better. I would eliminate as many as you can. I don’t know anything about your property but trapping is effective if you have a large enough area where you won’t get a neighbor’s pet by accident and it’s allowed by your local game laws. I would also make sure your dog is always leashed when taken outside. Another good preventive is an electric fence around your yard where you take your pup out. You want the top strand of wire at least 6 foot tall and use an extremely hot fence charger. I’m running a 15 mile charger around my chicken coop to keep them and raccoons away and that area is small for that much voltage. It’s extremely effective and after getting shocked once they won’t try it again. I know exactly what you mean about your pup. If a pack of coyotes came after mine they would need to kill me first before getting to him. Happy hunting from Cannonball and Norris, shoot a few for us.


Looks like you are going to need to take care of some business soon. I am in the middle of a very densely populated area of the city with a couple of gravel pits and some empty lots nearby. I was driving home, late one night, and came across a coyote stalking one of the neighborhood cats, who was clueless, in the middle of an intersection. I had to stop so I would not hit either of them. There are not nearly as many cats around as there once was. 

A coyote strolled into one of our empty Max commuter rail cars and took a ride. It caused quite a commotion when the car stopped at the airport. They are getting pretty bold these days.
Where did you hit it? Head shot? Vitals? I'm curious about what you need to take out a yote with a shot to the boiler room. I have an airforce condor making about 100 fpe using 39.3G slugs. I haven't shot a coon yet with them but the pymags were not quite working quick enough for me using vital shots. I was just taking head shots but often times I have a better shot at vitals. I just wasn't getting the penetration I needed to kill within 10 seconds or less which to me is ethical. They were snarling in pain and dying in 30 to 40 seconds and that hurts my heart. They fight my cat for food and cause me vet bills so they have to go but I don't want to hurt them. Anyway gimme the details I must know how that 30 does! 
I always do heart shots Radeon . pellet and slug both pass threw heart , here is 1 shot with 50gr at 90 yards and on left , 61.5 gr NSA slug on right I have taken them also with 25 cal and my 22 cal R5m and I took 1 with my Taipan with 66fpe and he was 70 yards , I founf with the 30 I can get clean kills out beyond 125 yards with slug and the 22 with 36 MP slugs to 90 yards . But with 30 cal I had more drop in tracks with 22 cal they are dead but seem to run 40 to 60 yards from adrenaline

